▍1. DrawPoker
扑克牌游戏(代码) (poker games (code))
类似中国象棋的小游戏的实现(similar to a small Chinese chess games to achieve)
这是一个用VC写的五子棋人机对战程序(This is a VC was the man-machine players 331 procedures)
五子棋核心算法,介绍五子棋程序的数据结构、评分规则、胜负判断方法和搜索算法过程(331 core algorithm, introduced 331 procedures of the structure, score rules, methods and judgment of the outcome search algorithm process)
一个java做的国际象棋小游戏.是一个功能完善的chess小游戏,快来看看吧(do a java small international chess game. One function is the perfect small chess games, Come see exciting! !)