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于 2005-01-10 发布 文件大小:6KB
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  五子棋核心算法,介绍五子棋程序的数据结构、评分规则、胜负判断方法和搜索算法过程(331 core algorithm, introduced 331 procedures of the structure, score rules, methods and judgment of the outcome search algorithm process)




0 个回复

  • heibaiqi
    说明:  实现了黑白棋的人机对战功能,使用最简单的方法编译而成。(Othello Battle achieve man-machine functions, the easiest way to use compiled from.)
    2011-05-22 13:57:55下载
  • Qi_Liu
    在本实验中, Pacman 智能体将找到通过迷宫世界的路径, 既包括到达一个指定的位置,也包括高效地搜集食物。我们编辑文件search.py和searchAgents.py,编写一系列吃豆人程序,包括到达指定位置以及有效的吃豆,并将其应用到Pacman场景,完成对相关人工智能功能的完善。(pacman,achieve search)
    2018-05-06 14:49:48下载
  • Chess
    说明:  LABVIEW编写的围棋游戏,具备围棋的基本规则(Go play written LABVIEW)
    2011-02-23 15:51:15下载
  • 8queen
    在一个8×8国际象棋盘上,有8个皇后,每个皇后占一格;要求皇后间不会出现相互"攻击"的现象,即不能有两个皇后处在同一行、同一列或同一对角线上。问共有多少种不同的方法。 本算法采用一维数组来进行处理。数组的下标i表示棋盘上的第i列,a[i]的值表示皇后在第i列所放的位置。如:a[1]=5,表示在棋盘的第一例的第五行放一个皇后。(8 × 8 in a chess set, there s eight, each accounting for a Queen s grid request will not be any mutual between Queen s attack phenomenon, that can not have two Queen s in the same line, the same row or the same diagonal. Asked the total number of different ways. This algorithm uses one-dimensional array to be processed. Array subscript i said i chessboard first out, a [i] value that s in the first place i listed by location. Such as: a [1] = 5, said the first cases in the chessboard of the fifth line of a Queen s release.)
    2007-12-15 22:24:44下载
  • wzq
    近来随着计算机的快速发展,各种棋类游戏被纷纷请进了电脑,使得那些喜爱下棋,又常常苦于没有对手的棋迷们能随时过足棋瘾。而且这类软件个个水平颇高,大有与人脑分庭抗礼之势。其中战胜过国际象棋世界冠军-卡斯帕罗夫的“深蓝”便是最具说服力的代表;其它像围棋的“手淡”、象棋的“将族”等也以其优秀的人工智能深受棋迷喜爱;而我们今天将向大家介绍的是五子棋的算法。 当我们与电脑对战时,您知道这些软件是怎样象人脑一样进行思考的吗?前不久我曾编写过一个五子棋的游戏,在这里就以此为例和大家一起探讨探讨。 总的来说(我们假定您熟悉五子棋的基本规则),要让电脑知道该在哪一点下子,就要根据盘面的形势,为每一可能落子的点计算其重要程度,也就是当这子落下后会形成什么棋型(如:“冲四”、“活三”等),然后通览全盘选出最重要的一点,这便是最基本的算法。当然,仅靠当前盘面进行判断是远远不够的,这样下棋很容易掉进玩家设下的陷阱,因为它没有考虑以后的变化。所以在此基础上我们加入递归调用,即:在电脑中预测出今后几步的各种走法,以便作出最佳选择,这也是我们下棋时常说的“想了几步”。如此一来您的程序便具有一定的水平了。 (With the recent rapid development of computers, various board games have been invited to the computer, making those who love playing chess, and usually do not have the opponent s chess enthusiast can always have adequate chess addiction. And all levels of this type of software is high, go a long way with the potential to rival the human brain. Had to overcome one of the World Chess Championship- Garry Kasparov s "Deep Blue" is the most convincing representatives other like Go s "short hand" chess "will be ethnic," also for its excellent artificial intelligence chess enthusiast popular favorite and we will introduce the U.S. are Gobang algorithms. When we and the computer during wartime, you know how the software is to consider brain-like Elephant Man s吗? Not long ago, I have prepared a Gobang games here at this example and explore the U.S. to explore. In general (we assume that you are familiar with the basic rules Gobang), let the computer know at what point Now, it is necess)
    2021-01-15 14:48:46下载
  • WuZiQi
    两个五子棋代码,一个简单的控制台下棋代码,一个图形界面人机对弈,AI采用了一步估分,可以简单对弈了(Two 331 code, a simple console chess code, a graphical interface for man-machine chess, AI uses step by Gufen, simple chess)
    2013-03-25 17:35:35下载
  • MainForm
    俄罗斯方块源代码 小弟敬上 希望大家多关照(Russian box source code younger brother's Note we hope more care)
    2007-06-29 20:56:12下载
  • 智能象
    说明:  在C#下开发的一个“中国象棋”小游戏,运行环境:win200/win2003/win xp VS.NET2003(in C# developed under a "Chinese Chess" small game, the environment : win200/win2003/win xp VS.NET2003)
    2005-12-16 10:30:11下载
  • C-language-games--gobang-code
    C语言游戏——五子棋,文中详细描述了五子棋游戏的设计规则,如何操作,而且有注释,可以简单明了的看懂操作(C language games- backgammon, backgammon paper describes in detail the design rules of the game, how to operate, and there are notes, you can understand straightforward operation)
    2013-08-15 09:23:21下载
  • pukeGame
    曾经做过的课程设计,比较简单的翻牌游戏,考察简单C语言的掌握(Has done curriculum design, relatively simple flop games, study simple C language)
    2008-03-05 10:47:46下载
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