▍1. 传奇霸业脱机项目
网页游戏传奇霸业的脱机辅助源代码,给需要的人参考(Web game legend of the offline auxiliary source code, to the needs of the people reference)
网页游戏传奇霸业的脱机辅助源代码,给需要的人参考(Web game legend of the offline auxiliary source code, to the needs of the people reference)
易语言调用动态库连USB发卡器读写IC卡(Easy language call dynamic library, USB card reader, read and write IC card)
易语言窗口界面制作支持库,如果有需要的欢迎下载和使用(Easy language window interface making support library If there is a need for welcome downloads and use)
枚举摄像头打开抓图录像,枚举所有摄像头,并可以打开关闭,截图录像(enumeration; enumerate capture; screenshot)
可视化编辑诛仙config.pck下item_ext_desc文件,可以预览在游戏里显示的效果。(Zhu Xian config.pck visual editing item_ext_desc files, you can preview the game display effect.)
传奇引擎插件源码,官方源码,初学者能力提升学习(Legendary engine plug-in source code, official source code)
深度学习算法3.0版本,源程序代码,直接可用。(Deep learning algorithm version 3 source program code, can be used directly.)
觅风,易语言程序 陆陆续续把所有的程序上传,希望大家支持(E language,hope you can like it!)
实现对古董数据库parabox的读写操作(To achieve the antique database parabox read and write operations)
卡牌大师一键自动选牌。永久免费版,最新版(Card master a key automatic card selection. Forever free edition, the latest edition)