▍1. rbTree
Red Black Tree Functions
堆栈实现C++,以VC++环境为准——逍遥大洋至上(The stack of the C++, VC++ environment will prevail)
设计一个算法,按照深度优先遍历的思想找出从指定结点出发,长度为M的所有简单路径。并将此算法用于邻接表类,在邻接表类中定义一个共有成员函数find(start, m)。(In adjlink to class with negative right value realization monosource shortest path function. Design an algorithm, according to traverse the depth first thoughts from specified node to find out, based on all of the simple length for M path. This algorithm is used for adjlink to class, defined in the class in adjlink to a mutual member function find (start, m).)
本书是《程序员面试宝典》的第三版,在保留第二版的数据结构、面向对象、程序设计等主干的基础上,使用各大IT公司及相关企业最新面试题替换和补充原内容,以反映自第一版以来近几年时间所发生的变化。 欧立奇、刘洋、段韬编著的《程序员面试宝典》取材于各大公司面试真题(笔试、口试、电话面试、英语面试,以及逻辑测试和智商测试),详细分析了应聘程序员(含网络、测试等)职位的常见考点。本书不仅对传统的C系语言考点做了详尽解说,还根据外企出题最新特点,新增加了对友元、Static、图形/音频、树、栈、ERP等问题的深入讲解。最后本书着力讲述了如何进行英语面试和电话面试,并对求职中签约、毁约的注意事项及群体面试进行了解析。本书的面试题除了有详细解析和答案外,对相关知识点还有扩展说明。真正做到了由点成线,举一反三,对读者从求职就业到提升计算机专业知识都有显著帮助。 《程序员面试宝典》适合计算机相关专业应届毕业生阅读,也适合作为正在应聘软件行业的相关就业人员和计算机爱好者的参考书。(This book is the" canon" in the third edition, retained in the second version of the data structure, object-oriented program design, main basis, the use of each big IT companies and related enterprises to the latest interview questions substitution and supplement the original content, in order to reflect the since its first edition in recent years since time changes. Ou Liqi, Liu Yang, Duan Tao," canon" drawn from major companies interview questions ( written examination, interview, telephone interview, interview, and logical test and IQ test ), a detailed analysis of the application programmer (including network, testing ) positions of the common points. This book not only to the traditional C language test done a detailed explanation, according to the new characteristics of the new foreign title, added to the friend, Static, graphics/audio, tree, stack, ERP issues in depth explanation. The last book on described how the English interview and telephone interview, and the job of signin)
数据结构 二叉树的操作,可以对二叉树进行最基本的操作,先建立二叉树。(The operation of the binary tree, binary tree with the most basic operation, first create a binary tree.)
大学计算机专业教材《数据结构》中栈的实验、练习源码(University computer professional teaching materials" data structure" stack experiment, practice source code)
用银行家算法实现资源分配,Bankers algorithm to achieve the allocation of resources(Bankers algorithm to achieve the allocation of resources)
迷宫生成器,可以根据需要自己建立各类型的迷宫,而且能求解出线路(Maze maze of various types of generators, according to the needs its own, but also to solve the lines)
交通图最短路径程序,解决各大城市之间的最短交通路线(数据结构图)。(Transport the shortest path program (graph algorithms, data structures), to solve the shortest transport routes between major cities.)
This is a C++ code. It finds out if the tree is a binary search tree (BST)or not, where the BST is one of data structures types.
【最新编排】C语言中排序程序代码,此代码是从别处下载的,请参考(C yu yan zhong pai xu cheng xu dai ma)
使用Dancing Links的思想的数独解算器,采用十字双向链表的数据结构,解算速度为常规算法的20倍以上(The idea of using Dancing Links Sudoku solver, using the cross-way linked list data structure, solver speed is 20 times more than conventional algorithms)
图中计算最短路径,必须覆盖所有的节点,效率很高(to compute the shortest path in the graph)
基于C语言的最短编码--哈弗曼编码huffman(本人的信息论上机实验程序)(huffman encode)
演示进程调度算法 使用的链表 包涵7个功能 4个算法(Process Scheduling Algorithm Demo )
noip2010第三题关押罪犯...写得巨丑 只为上传...(noip2010 the third problem.it s very ugly....)
平衡二叉树操作,可以输入数字形成二叉树,可以进行添加、删除操作(Balanced binary tree operation, you can enter numbers to form a binary tree, the user can add, delete)
实现迷宫搜索程序。迷宫数据从文件输入。输出迷宫路径。 a) 实现从入口到出口的输出顺序; b) 能否打印行走方向(向左、向右、向前), 如: 1 先前 2 向右 6 向左 7; (Maze searching)