▍1. qiuhe
多项式求和,用链表实现的一元多项式求和程序,比较 靠谱(Polynomial sum, with the linked list implementation of a polynomial summation procedure, more reliable)
多项式求和,用链表实现的一元多项式求和程序,比较 靠谱(Polynomial sum, with the linked list implementation of a polynomial summation procedure, more reliable)
匈牙利算法以及指派问题介绍,kM算法和匈牙利算法的程序代码(Hungarian algorithm and the assignment problem introduced, kM algorithm and the Hungarian algorithm code)
找出数组A中最长的递增序列的长度,使用动态规划算法,复杂度为O(N*N)。(Find the longest increasing sequence)
对于给定的n个字符串,请找出一种最佳的连接方式,使得采用该连接方式得到的字符串在所有连接的结果中,字典序最小(For a given n-string, find an optimal connection, making use of the connection string to get the results in all connections, the lexicographic minimum)
利用佛洛伊德算法计算节点之间的最短路径,用于复杂网络中计算平均路径长度(average path lengh)
二叉树排序,二叉树的递归调用排序,属于C语言源码(Binary Tree Sort)
题意:给你n个数,求出两两组合的最大公约数 类似打素数表的做法 (Meaning of the questions: to give you the number n, find greatest common divisor of a similar combination twenty-two hit the practice table of prime numbers)
道格拉斯—普克法(Douglas—Peucker)的C++程序(Douglas- Puck method (Douglas-Peucker) of the C++ program)
校园导航系统 1) 校园景点介:绍介相关景点的有关详细信息。 2) 最佳路线查询:查询校园中任意两点之间所有路线,并提供两点间最短的简单路径。 3) 关节点查询:提供校园图的关节点查询。 4) 多景点最佳路线查询:提供多个景点的最佳线路查询,即求途径这个景点的最佳路径。 (Campus Navigation System 1) campus attractions Introduction: Shao Jie-related attractions for more information. 2) The best route query: Query on campus all the routes between any two points, and provides a simple shortest path between two points. 3) joint points: the key points to provide the campus map queries. 4) The best route queries more attractions: multiple sites to provide the best route queries, that is seeking ways to this spot the best path.)
停车场管理系统 c语言实现 停车场拥有M个车位和一条进入停车场的便道,便道上最多停放N辆汽车。汽车要想进入车位,首先进入便道等候。若有空闲车位,则停车入位,否则在便道继续等候,直至有车位空出。若便道已经停满等候的汽车,后到达的汽车只能离开,选择其他停车场。设计一个停车场管理系统,模拟停车场的运作,并统计停车场的收入。(Parking Management System with M c language parking spaces and a sidewalk into the parking lot, parked up on the sidewalk N cars. To enter the car parking spaces, first into the pavement waiting. If free parking, the parking into place, or in the sidewalk to wait until the needed spot. If the sidewalk is already full of parked cars waiting, after the arrival of the vehicle to leave, choose a parking lot. Designing a car park management systems, simulation parking operations and parking revenue statistics.)
Sorting algorithm absolutely awesome...once in a century code.. hello everybody out there meet the fastest and the best programmer in the whole of choina....
实现了多项式的创建,实现了多项式的加减乘除等基本操作(The realization of polynomial create, to achieve the polynomial add, subtract, multiply and divide the basic operation)
一个关于约瑟夫环问题的经典算法编程的C语言实现(the program about JOSEPHUS)
校园导航问题,设计你的学校的平面图,至少包括10个以上的景点(场所),每两个景点间可以有不同的路,且路长也可能不同,找出从任意景点到达另一景点的最佳路径(最短路径)。 要求: (1)以图中顶点表示校园内各景点,存放景点名称、代号、简介等信息;以边表示路径,存放路径长度等有关信息。 (2)为来访客人提供图中任意景点相关信息的查询。 (3)为来访客人提供任意景点的问路查询,即查询任意两个景点之间的一条最短路径。 (4)修改景点信息。 (Campus navigation problem, the design of your school s plan, at least more than 10 attractions (places), between every two spots can have a different way, and the long road may be different, to find spots to reach from any other attractions best path (shortest path). Requirements: (1) graph vertices represent various campus sites, storage sites name, code, profile and other information the side that path, the path length of storage of information. (2) the figure for visiting any sites offering information about the query. (3) any attractions for visiting guests ask queries of that query any two of the shortest path between sites. (4) modify the attractions information.)
c语言的一些小李子,初学c的朋友有帮助,主要有顺序表、二分查找、二叉树、单链表等等(Some Survival Song c language, c beginner to help a friend, there are sequence tables, binary search, binary tree, a single linked list, etc.)
说明: 给定程序中,函数fun的功能是:将a所指3×5矩阵中第k列的元素左移到第0列,第k列以后的每列元素依次左移,原来左边的各列依次绕道右边。 例如,有以下矩阵: 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 若k结果为2,程序执行结果为: 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 请在程序的下划线处填入正确的内容并把下划线删除,使程序得出正确的结果。 注意:源文件存放在考生文件夹下的BLANK1.C中 不得增行或删行,也不得更改程序的结构! (A given program, function fun feature is: a 3 × 5 matrix referred to in the first k elements of the left column to move Section 0, the k elements of each column after column followed by the left, the original columns in the left turn Bypass on the right. For example, the following matrix: 123,451,234,512,345 If k is 2, the program execution results: 345,123,451,234,512 in the program underscore the right content at the fill and to remove the underscore, so that the program reach the right result. Note: The source files in the folder of BLANK1.C candidates are not allowed by the line or delete line, nor change the structure of the program!)
这是高精度大数运算的源码,对于大于64位的整形数字的四则运算,是万能的啊……(This is the code of big number s operator.)
一本介绍各种算法的经典书籍,计算机算法设计与分析(A classic book introduces a variety of algorithms, algorithm design and analysis of computer)