▍1. kalmanfileter_c-code
外国人写的卡尔曼滤波器算法的库,可以供大家参考,已经封装好了(kalman library)
外国人写的卡尔曼滤波器算法的库,可以供大家参考,已经封装好了(kalman library)
导线网平差程序,参数约束,通过设定不同的PX达到经典自由网,普通自由网,拟稳平差效果,算例(Wire net adjustment procedures, parameters, constraints, and examples)
最优解回溯法0-1问题,为了构造最优解,必须在算法中记录与当前最优值相应的当前最优解。(The optimal solution backtracking 0-1 must be recorded in the algorithm, in order to construct the optimal solution, corresponding to the current optimal value, the current optimal solution.)
一圆形游泳池如图所示,现在需在其周围建一圆形过道,并在其四周围上栅栏。 栅栏价格为35元/米,过道造价为20元/平方米。 过道宽度为3米, 游泳池半径由键盘输入。 要求编程计算并输出过道和栅栏的造价。(A circular pool as shown in figure, now in its built around to a circular corridor, and in its 4 around on the fence. The fence for 35 yuan/m price, corridor cost for 20 yuan/square metre. Aisle width is 3 meters, The radius of the swimming pool by keyboard input. Demand and output programming calculation of corridor and the cost of the fence. )
最小二乘法拟合曲线C++代码,任意的M个数据,任意的次数N(N不易太高)。输出拟合曲线的表达式(Least Squre For ...)
三次样条曲线拟合代码,先训练,后差值,计算非常准确(Three times spline curve fitting, the first training, and after, computation is very accurate)
它是一个计算热通量的c++程序,用udf导入fluent,既可以求解,非常好用的一个,可以作为入门的一个例子学习。(it is a calculated heat flux of c++ program, with udf into fluent, not only can solve, very easy to use one, can be used as a case study entry.)
fortran编写的读取dxf程序,可读取圆,多线段,直线,点,块参照,文字的坐标高程信息(write by fortran ,it can read dxf program, can read a round, multi line, linear, point, block reference, the coordinates of elevation information text)
四阶龙格库塔法,用C++编写,很有参考价值(Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method, written in C, a good reference)
C++的求阶乘的程序,对本科C++课程可能有些帮助(Factorial in C++ program, it maybe helpful for some C++ course)
恒温减压沸腾UDF,一个基于压力计算的水蒸发UDF程序,请大家探讨一下(boiling udf of costant T and decreasing P)
汽车油耗计算(C实现)对于家用经济型小轿车来说,统计油耗是经常做的一件事。本题目要求根据汽油单价、每次加油所用钱数,以及该次加的油所跑里程数计算出该车的百公里油耗,并进行保存,根据需要给出统计数据。(Vehicle fuel consumption calculation (C implementation) for the household economy cars, the fuel consumption statistics is often one of the things. The questions asked based on gasoline price, amount of money each fuel used, and the second oil added to calculate the mileage run car 100 km fuel consumption, and save, according to the need to give statistics.)
FFT A计权 倍频程分析 三分之一倍频程分析(F F T A w eight o c tave a n al o n e t hird o ctave)
poisson生成器,可以生成泊松分布的随机数,需要的就下载吧(poisson sasadas)
合肥工业大学数值分析(计算方法A)中高斯—塞德尔算法的实现(Gauss- Seidel Algorithm)
Orthogonal Polynomials Approximation 数值分析,计算正交基多项式的系数 (Given a function f and a set of m >0 distinct points . You are supposed to write a function to approximate f by an orthogonal polynomial using the exact function values at the given m points with a weight assigned to each point . The total error must be no larger than a given tolerance. Format of function int OPA( double (*f)(double t), int m, double x[], double w[], double c[], double*eps ) where the function pointer double (*f)(double t) defines the function f int m is the number of points double x[] contains points double w[] contains the values of a weight function at the given points x[] double c[] contains the coefficients of the approximation polynomial double*eps is passed into the function as the tolerance for the error, and is supposed to be returned as the value of error. The function OPA is supposed to return the degree of the approximation polynomial. Note: a constant Max_n is defined so that if the total error is still not small enough when n = Ma)
素性检测的miller-rabin算法。。。。。(Primality testing)
DFP法求优化问题的C++源代码,经测试,该程序运行正常,得到了预期的结果。(DFP method for the optimization of C++ source code, tested, the program works correctly to get the desired results.)
MFC编写的计算器,基本功能都已实现,加速键没有实现(Written in MFC calculator, basic functions have been achieved, not achieved accelerator)