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于 2011-12-15 发布 文件大小:40KB
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  汽车油耗计算(C实现)对于家用经济型小轿车来说,统计油耗是经常做的一件事。本题目要求根据汽油单价、每次加油所用钱数,以及该次加的油所跑里程数计算出该车的百公里油耗,并进行保存,根据需要给出统计数据。(Vehicle fuel consumption calculation (C implementation) for the household economy cars, the fuel consumption statistics is often one of the things. The questions asked based on gasoline price, amount of money each fuel used, and the second oil added to calculate the mileage run car 100 km fuel consumption, and save, according to the need to give statistics.)



0 个回复

  • zantaifenxi
    非常实用的时域仿真法暂态分析工具,利用牛顿法求解系统的微分方程组和代数方程组,得到转子摇摆曲线,判断暂态是否稳定(Very useful time-domain simulation tool for transient analysis method, using Newton method for solving systems of differential equations and algebraic equations, the rotor swing curves, to determine the stability of transient)
    2011-09-02 14:48:18下载
  • Workshop7
    An example of using a matrix object in order to pass values and complete a function.
    2015-12-10 23:32:02下载
  • gausszf
    该软件主要应用是采用高斯正反算进行换带计算的。(The software application is used mainly Gaussian with positive and negative exchange balance calculation.)
    2007-09-10 11:12:01下载
  • saolei
    实现扫雷功能,基于c语言实现的,能够控制输入矩阵的大小(Implement demining capabilities, based on the c language, able to control the size of the input matrix)
    2013-06-25 14:29:31下载
  • zuixiaofei-zuidaliu
    文件中包括了最优化中的最小费最大流程序以及例子和程序(File included in the most optimal maximum flow procedures and examples of trees and procedures)
    2014-07-17 09:54:20下载
  • Multi-function-calculator-with-VB
    Visual Basic 做的多功能计算器(Multi-function calculator with VB)
    2012-09-04 12:19:06下载
  • atjjs
    埃特金加速法,一个数值分析中的算法,大家先看看哦(Aitken acceleration method, a numerical analysis of the algorithm, we look at the flash open her cloak)
    2007-06-18 10:34:17下载
  • 1616
    把十六进制数转换为十进制数,简单方便!能用于串口通信数据处理中(The hexadecimal number is converted to a decimal number, is simple and convenient! Can be used for serial communication data processing)
    2008-03-09 14:37:30下载
  • fenerzhizhisuanfa
    说明:  这是一个ACM试题中的算法,叫分而治之算法,上面有PPT还有实例代码,希望喜欢ACM的同学可以喜欢(This is a Question in the ACM algorithm, called divide and conquer algorithms, there are examples of the code above, there are PPT hope that students like to be like the ACM)
    2010-03-26 12:38:25下载
  • gcmjjs
    这是考虑了高程的面积计算公式,VB编的程序,运行即可(This is the old area of the elevation calculation formula, the program can be run VB series)
    2012-05-06 14:53:06下载
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