说明: 共享主成份尺度不变变换PCA-SIFT代码,用于SAR图像配准,希望对各位雷达爱好者和SAR工作者有用!(Principle component analysis, PCA- Scale invariant feature transform-SIFT used for SAR processing. )
说明: 共享主成份尺度不变变换PCA-SIFT代码,用于SAR图像配准,希望对各位雷达爱好者和SAR工作者有用!(Principle component analysis, PCA- Scale invariant feature transform-SIFT used for SAR processing. )
利用径向基函数的方法进行隐式表面重建,matlab代码(Radial basis function method for implicit surface reconstruction)
首先对车牌识别系统的现状和已有的技术进行深入的研究,然后开发出一个基于 Python 的车牌识别系统,文中先对车辆图像进行高斯去噪、灰度化和边缘检测等预处理方法,然后用颜色特征和形态特征相结合的方法来确定车牌位置,用彩色分割法来完成车牌分割,最后,运用 SVM 分类训练器完成字符识别并使用Python 软件环境进行车牌识别的仿真实验。(License plate recognition based on SVM)
说明: 首先对车牌识别系统的现状和已有的技术进行深入的研究,然后开发出一个基于 Python 的车牌识别系统,文中先对车辆图像进行高斯去噪、灰度化和边缘检测等预处理方法,然后用颜色特征和形态特征相结合的方法来确定车牌位置,用彩色分割法来完成车牌分割,最后,运用 SVM 分类训练器完成字符识别并使用Python 软件环境进行车牌识别的仿真实验。(License plate recognition based on SVM)
说明: 图像重建Matlab程序,仅供参考学习,希望对您有用。大家一起学习进步。(Image reconstruction matlab program, only for reference learning, hope to be useful to you. Let's learn and improve together.)
说明: 基于SegNet实现了车道线的识别。里面包含已经训练好的模型。(Lane line recognition based on SegNet contains the trained model.)
用matlab实现光流法求物体的运动速度(根据相邻两帧之间的比较)(The optical flow method realized by matlab can be used to calculate the moving speed of objects.)
08年新的Delaunay程序,很不错的!(Delaunay new 2008 program, it is good!)
遥感影像去云补丁,尤其适用于Landsat、Quickbird图像。二次开发,加载即用。(haze tool)
说明: 能够检测图片的特征点,利用DOG算子,实际测试方便,算法清晰,有相关参考文章链接(Be able to detect image feature points)
说明: 计算导航信号不同调制方式的功率谱,包括bpsk,mboc等调制方式(Calculate the power spectrum of different modulation methods of navigation signal)
说明: 红外小目标检测算法RIPI,基于红外块图像,张量加权,PCA(infrared target detection algorithm RIPI)
说明: 基于RSA的图像加密过程,进过扩散等进行加密处理。(Based on the blockchain image encryption process, through diffusion and other encryption processing.)
何恺明等人研究出的基于暗通道的经典图像去雾算法,不仅可以还原图像的颜色和能见度,同时也能利用雾的浓度来估计物体的距离。(The classic fog removal algorithm based on dark channel, which was developed by He Kaiming and others, not only can restore the color and visibility of images, but also can estimate the distance of objects by using the concentration of fog.)
投影机边缘融合软件,可以仿真几何变换,羽化(Edgeblend simulation sofeware)
点云三维重建中需要用的法向量计算,能够有效避免法向量不一致的问题,更好进行三维重建。测试有用。(Normal vector calculation point cloud reconstruction in need, and can effectively avoid the problem of inconsistent normals, better three-dimensional reconstruction. Useful for testing.)
一种显著性区域检测算法,由c++和opencv编写,可以直接运行(a salient region detecter)