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光流算法的源码 运用稠密光流(Lucas-Kanade)算法跟踪运动的图像(Optical flow algorithm source code using dense optical flow image (Lucas-Kanade) algorithm to track the movement of)
光流算法的源码 运用稠密光流(Lucas-Kanade)算法跟踪运动的图像(Optical flow algorithm source code using dense optical flow image (Lucas-Kanade) algorithm to track the movement of)
超像素分割方法,在计算机视觉领域,图像分割(Segmentation)指的是将数字图像细分为多个图像子区域(像素的集合)(也被称作超像素)的过程。超像素有一系列位置相邻且颜色、亮度、纹理等特征相似的像素点组成的小区域。这些小区域大多保留了进一步进行图像分割的有效信息,且一般不会破坏图像中物体的边界信息。(Super pixel Segmentation method, in the field of computer vision, image Segmentation, Segmentation) refers to the digital image Segmentation region for multiple image sequence (the set of pixels) (also known as the pixels) process. Adjacent pixels have a series of position and features such as color, brightness, texture similar to that of small region composed of pixels. Most of these small area retains the further effective information for image segmentation, and generally does not destroy the boundary of the object in the image information.)
文章介绍了一种基于拉普拉斯——高斯模型的语音端点检测算法!(This paper introduces a Laplace-based- voice endpoint detection algorithm Gaussian model!)
利用高速摄影仪记录了不同液滴撞击固体表面的形态变化过程,并探讨了液滴撞击参数撞击过程液滴形态的影响。(The processes of different droplets impacting the solid surface are recorded using a high-speed digital came and the effects of the impact parameters on the droplet impact are studied.)
vtk的球与刺球的例子, 对于初学者十分有用,希望帮助大家(the example of vtk hope help you)
对深度图像进行滤波、渲染和着色,更加可视化(depth image visualition and filtering for coming 3D reconstruction)
关于车辆跟踪的c++程序,使用了opencv进行跟踪,采用了帧差方法效果还不错(vehicle detection)
图像处理中C#畸变校正程序,针对鱼眼图像的径向畸变校正,利用空间直线在校正图像中仍然为直线的基本原理,且直线在除法模型下为圆弧,从而可以通过检测圆弧对鱼眼图像进行畸变校正。(Image processing program C# distortion correction for radial fisheye image distortion correction, the use of space in a straight line in the corrected image as the basic principle is still straight, and a straight line at the division model is a circular arc, so that the arc can be detected by fish eye image distortion correction.)
非常经典的矩阵相乘以及矩阵的Doolittle分解的程序,可用于数字图像处理( Doolittle decomposition process is very classical matrix multiplication and matrix can be used for digital image processing)
特征提取,主要是灰度共生矩阵和不变矩特征提取的程序,openCV下可直接运行(Feature extraction, mainly GLCM and invariant moments feature extraction procedures can be run directly under openCV)
VC++实现数字水印技术,在BMP位图中添加各种水印信息,程序分LSB和DWT嵌入方法。(VC++ implementation of digital watermarking technology, adding various watermarks in BMP bitmap, the program points LSB and DWT embedding methods.)
使用vs2012+opencv2.4.5做的人脸检测代码,可以实现对静态图像上人脸的检测(Use vs2012+ opencv2.4.5 do face detection code, you can achieve detection of static images of the human face)
说明: 视频图像处理相关,用傅立叶相关算法,给图像分割,达到预期效果。(Video image processing associated with Fourier correlation algorithm to image segmentation, to achieve the desired effect.)
自动种子区域生长代码,用MATLAB运行,不必选择种子点 可以自动选择阈值 实现图像分割(Automatic seeded region growing code, using MATLAB operation, do not need to select seed points can be automatically selected threshold image segmentation)
matlab 图像处理方面的经典书籍,值得初学者仔细认真的学习(matlab image processing aspects of classic books, worthy of serious study carefully beginners)
心电信号去噪,主要针对的是基线漂移噪声,肌电噪声和工频干扰 (Is mainly targeted at the baseline wander and power line interference, noise)
用visual C++开发的图像匹配与处理系统,包括图像处理与图像匹配算法,NCC,梯度强度相关,互信息匹配等(With visual C++ development of image matching and processing systems, including image processing and image matching algorithm, NCC, gradient strength related mutual information matching)
行人目标检测 代码文件基于hog+svm检测技术。(people dectect and depending on hog+svm )