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小波包分解,求能量程序,,对小波包的了解掌握都很有用,希望对读者游泳(the wavelet packet decomposition and energy distribution )
小波包分解,求能量程序,,对小波包的了解掌握都很有用,希望对读者游泳(the wavelet packet decomposition and energy distribution )
基于视频的车道线检测,首先对视频进行一系列预处理,然后进行边缘检测,霍夫变换直线检测,最后对检测出来的直线进行非车道线排除。(Video-based lane detection, the first of a series of video preprocessing, edge detection and Hough transform line detection, finally detected non-linear lane excluded.)
利用opencv基于灰度投影算法进行图像平移补偿(Use opencv gray projection algorithm for image translational compensation)
冈萨雷斯数字图像处理MATLAB版,是我们学习图像处理必备的书籍(Gonzales digital image processing MATLAB version, we study the image processing necessary books)
这是一个阈值分割的小例子,利用阈值分割把原始图片转化为二值图像和灰度图像。(This is a small example of a threshold segmentation using thresholding the original image is converted to binary and grayscale images.)
本代码是做指纹识别是代码,平台是MATLAB,能够完成指纹识别、处理、匹配整个过程。(This code is to do fingerprint identification code, the platform is MATLAB, able to complete the fingerprint identification, processing, matching the whole process.)
C++调试的背景的颜色改为比较对眼睛好看的颜色呢(C++ debugging change the color of the background of relatively good-looking colors for the eyes)
VisualC++数字图像处理技术详解第2版光盘-第三章(VisualC++ digital image processing technology Detailed Version 2 CD- Chapter 3)
VisualC++数字图像处理技术详解第2版光盘-第二章(VisualC++ digital image processing technology Detailed Version 2 CD- Chapter 2)
gabor小波变化的实现,用于数字图像处理中Gabor特征的完全提取。自己项目中已经用到了。(Achieve gabor wavelet transform for digital image processing totally Gabor feature extraction. Himself has used the project.)
能够检测椭圆,并且在已知摄像机安装高度和倾角的情况下实现单目测距,代码能够运行(Ellipse can be detected, and the camera installation height and in the case of the known inclination to achieve monocular ranging code to run)
说明: 奇怪的分式 上小学的时候,小明经常自己发明新算法。一次,老师出的题目是: 1/4 乘以 8/5 小明居然把分子拼接在一起,分母拼接在一起,答案是:18/45 (参见图1.png) 老师刚想批评他,转念一想,这个答案凑巧也对啊,真是见鬼! 对于分子、分母都是 1~9 中的一位数的情况,还有哪些算式可以这样计算呢? 显然,交换分子分母后,例如:4/1 乘以 5/8 是满足要求的,这算做不同的算式。 但对于分子分母相同的情况,2/2 乘以 3/3 这样的类型太多了,不在计数之列!,四个四个数不同 请写出所有不同算式的个数(包括题中举例的)。 思路:循环遍历。 dfs c++(dfs c++)
基于SVM与人工神经网络的车牌识别算法,使用了OpenCV的图像处理函数,在VS2013 + OpenCV 2.4.9平台上实现(SVM algorithm based on license plate recognition and artificial neural network, using OpenCV image processing function, implemented on VS2013+ OpenCV 2.4.9 platform)
本书是国内第一本全面介绍OpenCV的中文版图书,本书可作为信息、图像处理和模式识别等领域的高年级本科生、研究生使用,也可作为研发人员的参考手册。(This book is the first comprehensive introduction to OpenCV s Chinese version of the book, this book can be used as information, image processing and pattern recognition in areas such as advanced undergraduates, graduate students, but also as a reference manual for researchers.)
Face detection Face detection (Face detection)
求s=a+aa+aaa+aaaa+aa...a的值,求最大公约数和最小公倍数(Seeking s = a+aa+aaa+aaaa+aa ... a value, find the greatest common divisor and least common multiple)
自己画的一条简单的Bezier曲线,通过四个控制点(控制点可自行选取)(She painted a simple Bezier curve through four control points (control points can be selected as their own))
visualC 数字图像模式识别与技术详解,书籍源码部分。(visual C digital image pattern recognition and techniques detailed books source parts.)