▍1. RanSacCode
该代码用于对错误匹配点进行过滤操作,即去除错误的匹配点(The code is used to remove the wrong match points,and make sure the right matching.)
该代码用于对错误匹配点进行过滤操作,即去除错误的匹配点(The code is used to remove the wrong match points,and make sure the right matching.)
显示图像灰度,可以鼠标点击显示的起始位置及设置显示区域的大小(show the gray of picture ,can click the position and set the scales)
使用GDI 进行动态会制多叉树代码,例子是使用FP-Tree算法生成的一个多叉树进行动太绘制
网格简化, 将复杂的带有很多细节的物体的三维立体网格进行任意比例的简化,使得其减少点和面片的数量并保持物体的基本特征,以达到加快图像显示及压缩文件的效果。(Mesh simplification, the complex three-dimensional grid with many of the details of the object simplified in any proportion, such that it reduce the number of points and surfaces of the sheet and keep the basic characteristics of the object, in order to achieve the speed up of the image display and the effect of the compressed file .)
基于灰度图像进行傅立叶变换后的二值化处理(Binarization based on the Fourier transform after the gray image processing)
能实现VFW编程,调用本地视频设备,实现视频捕捉和RGB-YUV颜色空间转换。 (To achieve VFW programming, call the local video equipment, the implementation of video capture and RGB-YUV color space conversion.)
里面涉及了线宽线型的设置,各种图形,还有画笔画刷设置选择,颜色设置等,代码非常齐全,还有编程的每一步都有截图和说明(Which involves the linewidth linear settings, a variety of graphics, and brush brush settings selection, color settings, the code is very complete, and programming of every step have screenshots and description)
CGAL,Computational Geometry Algorithms Library,计算几何算法库,设计目标是,以C++库的形式,提供方便,高效,可靠的几何算法。CGAL可用于各种需要几何计算的领域,如计算机图形学,科学可视化,计算机辅助设计和建模,地理信息系统,分子生物学,医学成像,机器人运动规划,网格生成,数值方法等等。 计算几何算法库(CGAL),提供计算几何相关的数据结构和算法,诸如三角剖分(2D约束三角剖分及二维和三维Delaunay三角剖分),Voronoi图(二维和三维的点,2D加权Voronoi图,分割Voronoi图等),多边形(布尔操作,偏置),多面体(布尔运算),曲线整理及其应用,网格生成(二维Delaunay网格生成和三维表面和体积网格生成等),几何处理(表面网格简化,细分和参数化等),凸壳算法(2D,3D和dD),搜索结构(近邻搜索,kd树等),插值,形状分析,拟合,距离等。(The goal of the CGAL Open Source Project is to provide easy access to efficient and reliable geometric algorithms in the form of a C++ library. CGAL is used in various areas needing geometric computation, such as: computer graphics, scientific visualization, computer aided design and modeling, geographic information systems, molecular biology, medical imaging, robotics and motion planning, mesh generation, numerical methods... More on the projects using CGAL web page. The Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL), offers data structures and algorithms like triangulations (2D constrained triangulations, and Delaunay triangulations and periodic triangulations in 2D and 3D), Voronoi diagrams (for 2D and 3D points, 2D additively weighted Voronoi diagrams, and segment Voronoi diagrams), polygons (Boolean operations, offsets, straight skeleton), polyhedra (Boolean operations), arrangements of curves and their applications (2D and 3D envelopes, Minkowski sums), mesh generation (2D Del)
一个基于MFC窗口的具有图形图像处理的功能的MFC程序,可对图像灰度,滤波等处理好功能(MFC program has a function of image processing based on MFC window can be a good feature for grayscale images, filtering and other processing)
图像变形处理程序,VC2013+opencv实现,利用三种差之方法扭曲变形( Image deformation processing program, VC2013+ opencv realized the difference between using three methods distorted)
张正友标定法中计算内参的方法,经典原文资料(calculate Intrinsics zhang s method)
C标准函数源码,十分丰富,便于移植和裁剪。(C standard function source code, is very rich, easy to transplant and tailoring.)
对图像进行旋转和缩放的源代码,支持原图像的抽样处理及任意角度的旋转(The image rotation and scaling in any direction)
此程序可以根据一幅图像的DEM读取一幅图像(This program can read an image of an image based on DEM)
通过图片的外参数矩阵对图片进行透视变换,对图片的外参数进行校正(camera calibration)
数字图像处理有关于图像去雾的新型算法与实现(There are new digital image processing algorithms on the image to go to the fog and Implementation)