▍1. 海思平台下SIL9136实现4KHDMI显示
海思平台下SIL9136实现4KHDMI显示(hisilicon platform sil9136 HDMI driver ,it can show 4K display)
海思平台下SIL9136实现4KHDMI显示(hisilicon platform sil9136 HDMI driver ,it can show 4K display)
Leave with Rejoin - The stack will attempt once and
说明: Leave with Rejoin - The stack will attempt once and
说明: 粮仓温湿度检测与控制系统的源程序。运用STC15F2K60S2作为单片微控制器,以DHT11为温湿度传感器,以LCD1602作为显示(The source program of the temperature and humidity detection and control system of the granary)