▍1. dianlixitongjidianbaohu-zhangbaohui
电力系统继电保护—张保会。电气专业最主要的一门课,国网,南网,面试最热门的一门专业课(Power system protection- Zhang Bao will. A main course electrical engineering, State Grid, Southern Power Grid, the interview of one of the most popular courses)
电力系统继电保护—张保会。电气专业最主要的一门课,国网,南网,面试最热门的一门专业课(Power system protection- Zhang Bao will. A main course electrical engineering, State Grid, Southern Power Grid, the interview of one of the most popular courses)
自适应光学应用的一篇文章,可用于大气湍流和远距离观察时参考!(Adaptive optics applied to an article, can be used for reference atmospheric turbulence and remote viewing!)
一个关于统计方面的编程软件,内有安装程序以及相关方面的说明(A statistical programming software, installation procedures and the relevant aspects of the description within)
电力系统可靠性分析,清华大学出版 PDF版,系统讲解电力系统可靠性研究领域今年来取得的成果(Power system reliability analysis)
电力系统负荷分配,基于等微增率的电力系统负荷分配。(Power system load distribution, based on equal incremental load distribution power systems.)
基于FFT的快速SAR分布目标回波模拟算法. 大面积分布目标的合成孔径雷达(SAR)回波模拟需要大量的运算,文中提出了一种合成孔径雷达回波模拟的快速算法,算法利用时域插值和FFTl’来缩减运算量,对于大面积目标回波模拟时,该算法有很高的效率。文中详细分析sinc函数插值所带来的误差以及补偿方法,并在次基础上提出了一种利用增采样插值方法,该方法以增加少量运算为代价,使得模拟精度的大幅度提高。文中比较了传统方法和基于FFTl’的快速SAR分布目标回波模拟算法的模拟结果,证明了这种快速算法确实行之有效。(The simulation of distributed targets is very important to the design of synthetic aperture radar(SAR)sys- tems.Since the end product is SAR images,the echo of SAR signals needs to be simulated and then processed form SAR images,an d the parameters needs to be measured and the perform ance of the images should be,an d then evaluated.The designing parameters of SAR could be adjusted to meet the requirement of users before developing SAR systems,specially in space—bome SAR systems.Th e simulation data is also needed during the developing an d debugging of a space—borne SAR real—time processor.Another purpose of simulation is to supply a great deal of simulation imag es to train image usors of space—bo rne SAR before it launch.)
电力市场下日无功计划优化模型和算法的研究,电力市场下日无功计划优化模型和算法的研究(Electricity Market Day reactive plan optimization model and algorithm research, Electricity Market Day reactive plan optimization model and algorithm research)