▍1. chilkat-9.5.0-jdk8-x64
chilkat for java library network spider
分布式架构设计案例之eurka,使用微服务实现分布式,解除代码之间的耦合度,降低系统性能消耗(Case of distributed architecture design eurka)
java实现考勤系统 前端页面用bootsrap模板语言 SSM框架 转自 码码在线(Java implementation of the front page of the attendance system uses the bootsrap template language SSM framework to turn from code code online)
SpringBoot的相关文档,看完可以搭建一个springboot项目(SpringBoot related documents, after seeing you can build a springboot project)
The use of CircleImageView controls, customize the use of PopupWindow, Contentprovider query the mobile phone contacts data, use frame by frame animation, customize adapter, use Activity of Dialog theme, transmit value between Activity.
redis,solr,kafka等组件的客户端(redis,solr,kafka client source)
一个简单的公司管理会议系统带sql数据库文件 下载就可以使用(A simple company management conference system)
字符云标签生成,插件生成字符元标签,静态展示字符云标签(this is a wordcloud test , you can see this code to know how to make wordcloud)
简单实现运动碰撞 以及GUI画板使用及物理知识(Simple realization of motion collision)
JAVA Enterprise Edition Traveaux pratique concernant Managed Bean
最全的IKAnalyz 的英文停止词集,使用时需要简单配置IKAnalyzer.cfg.xml, <!--用户可以在这里配置自己的扩展停止词字典--> <entry key="ext_stopwords">stopword.dic;english_stopword.dic;</entry>(The most complete IKAnalyz English stop word set, the use of simple configuration IKAnalyzer.cfg.xml, <! -- users can configure their own extensions here stop word dictionary -- > <entry key= "ext_stopwords" >stopword.dic; english_stopword.dic; </entry>)
百度地图定位,百度实时定位,精准定位 百度地图定位,百度实时定位,精准定位(Baidu map positioning, baidu real-time positioning, precise positioning of baidu map positioning, baidu real-time positioning, precise positioning)
Soso移动业务系统,北大青鸟s2的一个小项目(Beida Jade Bird, S2, an object oriented layered thinking project)