▍1. sparsedecom
利用匹配追踪对雷达信号进行稀疏分解,得到其稀疏表示形式(The use of matching pursuit for sparse decomposition of the radar signals, by their sparse representation)
利用匹配追踪对雷达信号进行稀疏分解,得到其稀疏表示形式(The use of matching pursuit for sparse decomposition of the radar signals, by their sparse representation)
SeDuMi - optimization package over symmetric cones(SeDuMi- optimization package over symmetric cones)
这是一种画翼型的方法。西奥道森方法画翼型,该方法画的翼型准确。(a code used to plot airfoil!)
关于庞加莱截面的图形绘制,可以任意改变参数和变量(On the Poincare cross-section of the graphics rendering can be arbitrarily changed the parameters and variables)
芝加哥大学的学长编的Kfda 非常好用 非常好用(University of Chicago students are very useful for the very useful Kfda)
六自由度运动体模型源码 用于运动体仿真,m文件格式(Six degrees of freedom model sports source for sports body simulation, m file format)
计算海面和海底散射的程序,使用小斜率散射理论,同时考虑了气泡的影响。(compute scattering of sea surface and bottom, using small slope scattering theory,considered bubbles effects too.)
各向异性扩散的源代码,国外网站下载的,非常好的代码,针对1维2维3维数据的处理都有单独的函数可以调用,接口非常清楚,可以直接调用。(anisotropic function。)
用差分法解有限宽轴承静载平衡压力分布,求解椭圆形方程(Finite difference method with wide-bearing solution containing a balance of static pressure distribution, solution of elliptic equations)
虫口模型logistic的数据生成代码,程序简单易运行很好的(Population model of the data generated code)
基 于 itti显 著 图 的 图 像 显 著 区 域 提 取 ,搞这方面的可以看 看 (Itti-based image map marked a significant regional extraction, to engage in this area can look at)
This function will calculate and optionally scale and translate the roots of a Chebyshev polynomial of type T_n(x) or U_n(x) of arbitrary degree.
基于小波的图像重建,基于小波的图像重建,基于小波的图像重建(Image Edge Detection)
卡尔曼滤波的标准工具包 包含各种卡尔曼滤波器(standard toolbox for kalman Filters)
求解线性系统的Krylov方法的工具箱,包括经典的CG、GMRES等方法。(Solving Linear Systems Toolbox Krylov methods, including the classic CG, GMRES, etc..)