▍1. matlab_code
用于计算电力系统转子运动方程matlab编程(Calculation of the motion equation of the rotor of a power system by matlab)
用于计算电力系统转子运动方程matlab编程(Calculation of the motion equation of the rotor of a power system by matlab)
论文中的数字信道化程序,经供参考学习数字信道化内容(program in a paper,for studying only zsbd)
对时域信号精准的实现角域重采样,并进行阶次傅里叶变换,且代码注释较多,适合新手(The angle domain resampling is precisely realized for the time domain signal, and the order Fourier transform is carried out, and the code annotation is more, suitable for the novice.)
绘制相平面图的源码,功能异常强大,康奈尔大学研究人员写的,需要研究非线性系统的可以参考,绝对给力(Draw phase plane source, extremely powerful, Cornell University researchers write, need to study nonlinear system can refer to the absolute power)
绘制相平面图的源码,功能异常强大,康奈尔大学研究人员写的,需要研究非线性系统的可以参考,绝对给力(Draw phase plane source, extremely powerful, Cornell University researchers write, need to study nonlinear system can refer to the absolute power)
说明: 拉丁超立方抽样,对正态分布进行的抽样,使抽样数据更加均匀(kyewbdhukndfvjrennvgvdgx)
说明: 主要介绍多尺度分散熵以及精细复合多尺度分散熵如何提取(This paper mainly introduces how to extract the fine composite multi-scale dispersion entropy)
说明: CEC2011竞赛的官方代码,MATLAB编写(The official code of competition CEC2011)
说明: 遗传算法求解设施选址问题,matlab 语言, 亲测好用(Genetic algorithm for facility location problem)
压缩传感(Compressive Sensing)恢复算法的官方版matlab实现,内含有pdf文档对算法进行详细描述,对深入理解压缩传感恢复算法有很大帮助。(The matlab implement of the reconstruction algorithm of Compressive sensing theory with .pdf paper to give detailed descriptions, it will help you understand the algorithm a lot.)
心电信号处理Cardiac-frecuency-and-ECG-signal-denoising-by-EEMD-master(ECG Signal Processing)
说明: 心电信号处理Cardiac-frecuency-and-ECG-signal-denoising-by-EEMD-master(ECG Signal Processing)
说明: 利用MATLAB语言编制了移动荷载、移动质量、移动簧上质量过简支梁程序(The program of moving load, moving mass and moving spring mass over simply supported beam is compiled with MATLAB language.)
matlab程序包。用于格兰杰因果分析,分析数据时,直接带入数据即可。(Matlab package. Granger causal analysis)
这是瑞雷波正演模拟程序,时间2阶空间4阶,采用自由地表边界条件,可以直接运行。(This is the Swiss Leibo forward simulation program, the 2 order of time space 4, the use of free surface boundary conditions, you can directly run.)
通过hfss matlab api调用13x13阵列并建模(The HFSS matlab API called 13x13 array and modeling)