▍1. AngularJS
此书介绍前端的js用法,比如语法,经验,很喜欢的一本书,良心推荐!!(This explains the front of js usage, such as grammar, experience, like a book, conscience recommend! !)
此书介绍前端的js用法,比如语法,经验,很喜欢的一本书,良心推荐!!(This explains the front of js usage, such as grammar, experience, like a book, conscience recommend! !)
hadoop通过struts2作为web端,实现文件上传,并将上传的文件存入hadoop的HDFS中,可以对上传的文件进行操作-hadoop2.2 struts2 upload(通过struts2作为web端,实现文件上传,并将上传的文件存入hadoop的HDFS中,可以对上传的文件进行操作-hadoop2.2 struts2 upload)
编写1个JSP页面inputNumber.jsp,该页面提供一个表单,用户可以通过表单输入两个数和四则运算符号提交给该页面。用户提交表单后,JSP页面inputNumber.jsp将计算任务交给一个Tag文件Computer.tag去完成。(Write a JSP page inputNumber.jsp, the page provides a form where the user can enter through the form of two numbers and four arithmetic symbols presented to the page. After the user submits the form, JSP pages inputNumber.jsp computing tasks to a Tag file Computer.tag to complete.)
智睿多选品牌评选系统系统定位于投票评选行业的量身开发,打造行业的领先服务评选品牌,系统整合单选/多选一体化功能,分类模块独立投票使用,并适合图文评选,本系统定位品牌,选秀,活动,政府,公安,年度评选等相关活动,新增URL传送加密,问题验证,防外链接功,代理IP检测加强功能,时间效验功能等,更多功能请使用商业版,系统为免费版,终身使用。(Rui Chi brand multiple choice selection system systems targeted at the development of tailor-voted industry, to create the industry' s leading service brand selection, system integration Radio/multiple choice integration function, use classification module independent vote, and is suitable for graphic selection, this brand positioning system, draft, events, government, public security, the annual selection and other related activities, the new URL transmission encryption, verification problem, anti-foreign link, the agent IP detection enhancements, time-tested function, more features please use the commercial version The system for the free version, lifetime use.)
将excel的内容转化为html格式,常用语邮件的excel提取为正文,用的jar是poi( Convert Excel to HTML )
超级简单实用的PHP+MYSQL医院预约管理系统 本程序比简单 预约数据的录入与修改 查询 自动图表生成展示.比较实适合单医院使用. 实用方法:将yuyue.sql导入买mysql数据库.修改config/config.php 文件中的数据库链接参数即可 初始账号密码均为 admin 本程序代码完全开源,如果您有兴趣完善修改欢迎分享(Super simple and practical PHP+ MYSQL hospital appointment management system of the program automatically generates a chart showing reservation than simple data entry and modification queries. Compare Real suitable for single hospitals. Practical Methods: yuyue.sql import buy mysql . Modify config/config.php file link parameters to the initial account password are admin of the program code is completely open, if you are interested in improving modify welcome to share)
移动购物助手用户决策辅助功能的设计,帮助完成手机助手的设计(Mobile users shopping assistant decision the design of the auxiliary function, help to complete the design of mobile phone assistant)
voa英语学习(英语听力)网站源码是一个广大英语学习爱好者喜欢的英语听力网站,网站以VOA英语(慢速英语)为听力学习材料,首创建英语复读模式,目前新版本已经推出了英语学习资料,英语学习经验,学习视频等实用功能,而且我们觉得voa英语复读网项目本身技术含量好,对于初学者或建站人员都有帮助,所以将项目代码免费共享给大家,网站项目的主要功能包括: 一、j2ee架构的,ssh框架组合。 二、Memcached缓存框架的使用。 三、flex英语复读机。 四、邮件发送实现。 五、文章自动抓取实现等等。(lovers of English listening English learning website, website (English) for listening to voa English learning materials, first create the English answer read mode, the new version has launched English learning materials, experience in learning English, learning the practical function such as video, and we think the voa English restudy net project itself technology content, good for beginners or site personnel have help, so the project code sharing to you for free, web project s main features include: A, j2ee architecture, SSH framework combination. The use of the two, Memcached cache framework. Three, flex English repeater. Four, mail delivery. Five, the realization of automatic fetching articles and so on.)
类似人人网的交友网站的设计与实现,包含网页、服务器等。(Design and implementation of all net dating sites like, including Web pages, servers.)
一个具有截图功能的,可拖拽的演示,基于HTML的,效果很好,是个很好的模板。(One has a screenshot function, you can drag the demo, HTML-based, with good results, is a good template.)
仿Apple Watch的时钟动画DEMO演示。一个网站。效果很好,是个很好的模板。(Imitation Apple Watch the clock animation DEMO demonstration. A website. Works well, is a good template.)
易秀购主题网发现很多网友比较喜欢格子类型的主题,其实格子类型的主题适合做摄影、图片分享、或者各种设计展示类型的网站,今天我们分享的也是一款wordpress格子主题,这款主题风格是由国内wordpress爱好者原创设计的,借鉴了苹果官方的设计元素,简洁大方而不失现代感,该主题摒弃使用现代大多数WP主题追求和倡导的HTML5等流行元素,后台采用独立的主题设置和SEO设置让使用者更加方便操作,我们不复杂,我们追求简单!更多详情请看主题演示。(Easy to show that many users find purchase THEMANET prefer lattice type of theme, in fact, the theme of the lattice type suitable for photography, photo-sharing, or various types of website design showcase, and today we share is a grid wordpress theme, this theme style lovers by domestic wordpress original design, drawing official Apple design elements, simple and elegant and yet modern, abandon the use of the most modern theme WP theme and advocacy to pursue other popular elements of HTML5, background using a separate theme SEO settings allow users to set up and easier to operate, we are not complicated, we seek simple! For more details see the topic presentation.)
主题说明 易秀购主题网在其他地方看到的一款非常漂亮的透明主题,这款主题是由国外的爱好者制作的,支持中文大家尽管可以直接用的,该主题采用了 自适应宽屏和响应式移动版 透明清新风格和自定义背景 LOGO 和友情链接 社交链接图标,快捷入口和伸缩搜索栏 增强的可选访客 UA 展示 部分功能的后台开关 萌/中/英语言支持 HTML5 语义标签和 CSS3 特效,兼容到 IE8 及以上(Topic Description Easy to show net purchase theme seen elsewhere in a very nice transparent theme, this theme is made by foreign fans, despite the support of Chinese people can use, the theme adopted Adaptive and responsive widescreen mobile version Transparent fresh style and custom background LOGO and Links Social link icons, shortcuts entrance and telescopic search bar Optional enhanced visitor UA show Some features of the background switch Meng/medium/English word support HTML5 semantic tags and CSS3 effects, and more compatible to IE8)
数据库文件可以直接导入,数据库配置文件index.php,请在导入前建立好数据库文件夹salesystem。 本程序是梦想瞬智网络科技采用MVC模式、ACL权限控制。是一个开源的PHP+MYSQL公司内部销售管理系统. 基本原理就是控制器、模型、视图,强烈推荐新手学习。(Database files can be imported directly into the configuration file index.php, please create a good folder salesystem before importing. This program is the dream of instant wisdom network technology using MVC pattern, ACL access control. Is an open source PHP+ MYSQL internal sales management system. The basic principle is to controllers, models, views, highly recommended for novices to learn.)