▍1. Project2
说明: 实现通讯,以太网和欧姆龙plc之间通过网线进行通讯,很好很强大(To achieve communication, Ethernet and OMRON PLC through the network line to communicate, very good and powerful)
说明: 实现通讯,以太网和欧姆龙plc之间通过网线进行通讯,很好很强大(To achieve communication, Ethernet and OMRON PLC through the network line to communicate, very good and powerful)
说明: 3231132213213132312311233312321(32312312132321321312312132)
动态数组的实现, mutablearray 与array 的区别, 以及跳出循环的过程(The implementation of dynamic arrays, the difference between mutable arrays and arrays, and the process of jumping out of the loop)
说明: 动态数组的实现, mutablearray 与array 的区别, 以及跳出循环的过程(The implementation of dynamic arrays, the difference between mutable arrays and arrays, and the process of jumping out of the loop)
ios开发书籍,IOS开发指南 从HELLO WORLD到APP STORE上架 第5版,很好的学习资料,初学者必备(IOS Developing Books)
说明: ios开发书籍,IOS开发指南 从HELLO WORLD到APP STORE上架 第5版,很好的学习资料,初学者必备(IOS Developing Books)
说明: 不用写一行代码就完美解决IOS开发键盘遮挡的类库(No need to write a line of code to perfectly solve the class library of IOS development keyboard occlusion)
说明: Objective-C基础学习,适合初学者的一本基础书籍(Objective-C basic learned,it is very useful for begin learner.)
说明: Demo how to share video recording between 2 ios device
关于生活类的的助手APP,用户无需登录即可在线阅读,生活做菜,查看汽车类服务等(About the assistant app for life, users can read online without having to log in, live cooking, check car service, etc.)
说明: 关于生活类的的助手APP,用户无需登录即可在线阅读,生活做菜,查看汽车类服务等(About the assistant app for life, users can read online without having to log in, live cooking, check car service, etc.)
ARKit Demo by Apple. FaceBased
说明: ARKit Demo by Apple. FaceBased
数学建模中的图论知识来研究最短路径的问题,利用Dijkstra算法matlab实现(Graph theory knowledge in mathematical modeling is used to study the shortest path problem, which is realized by using Dijkstra algorithm matlab.)
说明: 数学建模中的图论知识来研究最短路径的问题,利用Dijkstra算法matlab实现(Graph theory knowledge in mathematical modeling is used to study the shortest path problem, which is realized by using Dijkstra algorithm matlab.)
说明: IDA_ios_debugger_tutorial
简单的ios旅游软件app,用于简单的编程学习所使用。(Simple IOS Travel software app)
逻辑中指定字符串转换为等效的布尔值,不错(It is good to specify that a string is converted to an equivalent Boolean value in the logic)