日本ATR(Advanced Telecommunication Research InstituteInternational)的专门用于表情识别研究的基本表...
日本ATR(Advanced Telecommunication Research InstituteInternational)的专门用于表情识别研究的基本表情数据库JAFFE,该数据库中包含了213幅(每幅图像的分辨率:256像素×256像素)日本女性的脸相,每幅图像都有原始的表情定义。表情库中共有10个人,每个人有7种表情(中性脸、高兴、悲伤、惊奇、愤怒、厌恶、恐惧)。 JAFFE数据库均为正面脸相,且把原始图像进行重新调整和修剪,使得眼睛在数据库图像中的位置大致相同,脸部尺寸基本一致,光照均为正面光源,但光照强度有差异。由于此表情数据库完全开放,且表情标定很标准,所以现在大多数研究表情识别的文章中都使用它来训练与测试。-Japan ATR (Advanced Telecommunication Research InstituteInternational), devoted to the basic expression of facial expression recognition research database JAFFE, the database contains 213 (each image resolution: 256 pixels × 256 pixels) Japanese women face relative to each piece of expression of both the original definition of the image. Expression library, a total of 10 individuals, each person has seven kinds of expressions (neutral face, happy, sad, surprise, anger, disgust, fear). JAFFE face database are positive phase, and the original image is re-adjust and trim, making the eye the location of the image in the database similar to the face basically the same size, ligh