▍1. _system_properties
Improvements: - maintain the toc sorted by pi->name to allow lookup by binary search.
Improvements: - maintain the toc sorted by pi->name to allow lookup by binary search.
@file omx_rpc_utils.h This file contains methods that provides the functionality for the OpenMAX1.1 DOMX Framework RPC.
cleanup rewind when the last draw is not at the root of the state tree. state nodes with both kSave_Flag & kSaveLayer_Flag set.
Protocol Buffers - Google s data interchange format.
xmlcatalog.c : a small utility program to handle XML catalogs.
设计一程序,要求用带缓存的流文件I/O操作,在“./tmp”目录下,打开名称为“tmpfile”的文件。如果该文件不存在,则创建此文件;如果存在,将文件清空后关闭。W或w+(design a program, it need to use the cache files to operate the in/out directory)
海洋模式萨芬问题梵蒂冈的法国人stru文件和韩国是梵蒂冈大概发个地方(Safin issue ocean mode Vatican Frenchman stru file and South Korea is probably the Vatican issued a place)
此文档,主要是实现开发板显示中文,用到了locale与busybox,(This document, mainly to achieve the development board display Chinese, use the locale and busybox,)
This file provides Intel(R) Performance Analyzer JIT (Just-In-Time) Profiling API internal config.
Compute per-vertex fog blend factors fog coordinates by uating the GL_LINEAR, GL_EXP or GL_EXP2 fog function.
Test memory read write functions directly.
UBI device creation (the same as MTD device attachment).
Returns true if the required interface is available.
These cap sets are much more correct than the ones in u_caps.c TODO: it seems cube levels should be the same as 2D levels.
A resource dictionary, which maintains the relevant sub-dicts and allows generation of a list of referenced SkPDFObjects inserted with insertResourceAsRef.
Note that if unfilled primitives are being emitted, we have to fix up polygon offset and flatshading at this point:.
null_auth.c implements the do-nothing auth algorithm.
DESCRIPTION: utility function to generate handler for camera channel stream.