▍1. R语言copula
R语言对数据进行Garch-t-Copula建模和Garch-Clayton-Copula建模(Garch-t-Copula modeling and Garch-Clayton-Copula modeling for data in R language)
R语言对数据进行Garch-t-Copula建模和Garch-Clayton-Copula建模(Garch-t-Copula modeling and Garch-Clayton-Copula modeling for data in R language)
r语言配套分析的数据,代码。适合初学者进行使用(R language supporting analysis of data, code. Suitable for beginners)
金融工程中Black-Litterman模型的R语言代码+案例(Financial engineering R Language Black-Litterman model code+ Case)
说明: GARCH-Copula-VaR R代码操作说明(GARCH-Copula-VaR R code)
说明: R语言舍选法、极坐标法、Box-Muller变换产生正态随机变量(R Language Rounding Method, Polar Coordinate Method and Box-Muller Transform to Generate Normal Random Variables)
R 语言 bootRes包算相关系数 计算bootstrapped 相关系数(calculate bootstrapped correlation)
说明: R 语言 bootRes包算相关系数 计算bootstrapped 相关系数(calculate bootstrapped correlation)
分析各种断点回归的文章以及2个实际案例的代码(Analysis of various breakpoint regression articles and 2 actual case codes)
水动力模型MIKE21数据后处理 dfsu格式文件导出模拟结果xyz格式文件 R语言可以迅速批量读取xyz文件,并根据文件名排序 以便于后期处理(MIKE 21 export results from dsfu R read numerous xyz files)
说明: 灰狼算法优化的支持向量回归,可以用于预测。(The grey Wolf algorithm is optimized for support vector regression and can be used for prediction.)
船舶AIS轨迹提取,作出船舶AIS轨迹图。在此基础上,实现基于空间相似距离的K均值轨迹聚类。算法可以自定义轨迹聚类初始轨迹或者由程序随机生成初始轨迹,采用迭代的方法直到确定最终的聚类中心。(The extraction of ship AIS trajectory, make ship AIS trajectories. On this basis, to achieve similar K mean trajectory clustering based on distance space. You can customize the initial trajectory trajectory clustering algorithm or randomly generated by the program initial trajectory, iterative method was used to determine the cluster center until the end. )
说明: 内附源数据、代码及word。代码包括:平稳性检验、协整检验、滞后阶数的确定、VAR 模型的拟合、脉冲响应分析、VAR 模型的预测(Stationarity test, co integration test, determination of lag order, VAR model fitting, impulse response analysis, VAR model prediction)
R语言用于多元回归树分析,适用高版本的R。(Multiple regression tree analysis in R language)
说明: 近几年来兴起的统计模型,惩罚样条模型求解代码。(In recent years, the rise of statistical model, penalty spline model solving code.)
说明: spei的R语言计算版本 用于计算干旱指数spei(R language computing version of spei)
实现了SVM_RFE算法,进行特征选择并分类(Implementation of the SVM_RFE algorithm, feature selection and classification)
关于CoVaR和Copula的R代码,大部分Copula都可以通过此代码计算对应的CoVaR(You can use this package to estimate the CoVaR based on various copulas)
用R语言做dcc-garch 模型的全过程代码(Using the R language to do the dcc-garch model)
计算CVAR 条件下的最有权重,主要针对股票收益率进行分析(compute the optimal weight under CVAR condition)
说明: 数据集实体文件名称:中国降水日值0.5°×0.5°格点数据集文件命名由数据集代码(SURF_CLI_CHN_PRE_DAY_GRID_0.5)、年月日标识(YYYYMMDD)组成。具体形式:SURF_CLI_CHN_PRE_DAY_GRID_0.5-YYYYMMDD.TXT(Specific form:SURF_CLI_CHN_PRE_DAY_GRID_0.5-YYYYMMDD.TXT)