▍1. dangefangzhen1
指数积方法和迭代法在机器人逆运动学中的求解(Index product method and iteration method in solving inverse kinematics of the robot)
指数积方法和迭代法在机器人逆运动学中的求解(Index product method and iteration method in solving inverse kinematics of the robot)
给正弦波、方波、三角波等波形进行加噪,可加各种噪声(To sine, square, triangle wave waveform plus noise, you can add all kinds of noise)
q学习算法,在MATLAB中实现,本人已运行成功,希望有帮助(q learning algorithm implemented in MATLAB, I have run successfully, the hope of helping)
泊松融合在某种意义上解决了图像融合的问题,但其在融合的过程中仅仅考虑了融入图像的梯度,而没有利用背景图像的梯度,因此,在使用泊松融合的过程中,需要对融入区域的标记较为准确,否则,会造成背景纹理的丢失,视觉上可以明显觉察图像融入的痕迹。因此,对公式稍作修改,在考虑前景的同时考虑背景的变化,可以得到更优的结果。(Poisson convergence in a sense solved the problem of image fusion, but it only considers the integration of image gradient in the integration process, but not the use of a background image gradient, therefore, the use of the Poisson integration process, the need for more accurate marker into the area, otherwise, it will result in the loss of background texture, image integration can clearly perceive the visual traces. Therefore, the formula slightly modified, in considering the prospect of taking into account the changes in the background, you can get better results.)
matlab下基于视觉的人体行为识别,用于行为识别,机器视觉方面,可以做毕业设计,毕设成果。(this is the matlab code for computer vision and behavier recognization)
这个matlab代码能够实现GUI控件按钮的透明化,可以加如透明的背景图片(The matlab code to achieve transparency GUI control buttons can be added as a transparent background image)
利用改进的并行遗传退火算法求解了tsp问题,得到性能收敛图和最短路径(Using improved parallel genetic annealing algorithm the tsp problem, get map and the shortest route convergence performance)
MATLAB toolbox control(MATLAB toolbox)
该软件包包含了一些常用的matlab小程序,可以直接调用,省去了编程的麻烦。(This package contains some common matlab applet, you can directly call, eliminating the hassle of programming.)
自编matlab遗传算法程序,自编matlab遗传算法程序(Self PSO algorithm matlab program, can be downloaded directly use)
substitution cipher is the method of encoding in which unit of plain text are replaced by cipher text. Monoalphabetic cipher uses a fixed message over entire message.A monoalphabetic cipher uses fixed substitution over the entire message.The monoalphabetic substitution takes a letter of an alphabet and substitutes it with another letter, this way a ciphertext is generated. The way of converting is fixed. A character of the plaintext will be replaced by the same ciphertext character, during the entire ciphertext. There is no additional key. The only way of security is to keep the substitution-table secret. A popular example for the monoalphabetic substitution is the caesar cipher.
蒙特卡洛算法的均匀分布随机数生成的matlab小程序(Uniformly distributed random number generating Monte Carlo algorithm in MATLAB small program)
关于f16的模型以及用四元素和常规办法配平。(About f16 model and with four trim elements and conventional approaches.)
Transform two case , the one case 1 is Fourier the 8X8 size and then use the mask to clear the high fitter . the second case 2 is cosine the 8X8 size and then use the mask to clear the high fitter .
绘图与可视化matlab代码,其中有几个例题,可以是读者轻松学会(Drawing and visualization of the matlab code, which has several examples, can be easily learned)
双层地下室外墙,mathcad格式。Double basement exterior wal(Double basement exterior wal)
钢骨混凝土梁,mathcad格式。Steel reinforced concrete beam(Steel reinforced concrete beam)
地震影响系数计算,mathcad格式。Calculation of earthquake influence coefficient(Calculation of earthquake influence coefficient)