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于 2015-04-21 发布 文件大小:6740KB
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  泊松融合在某种意义上解决了图像融合的问题,但其在融合的过程中仅仅考虑了融入图像的梯度,而没有利用背景图像的梯度,因此,在使用泊松融合的过程中,需要对融入区域的标记较为准确,否则,会造成背景纹理的丢失,视觉上可以明显觉察图像融入的痕迹。因此,对公式稍作修改,在考虑前景的同时考虑背景的变化,可以得到更优的结果。(Poisson convergence in a sense solved the problem of image fusion, but it only considers the integration of image gradient in the integration process, but not the use of a background image gradient, therefore, the use of the Poisson integration process, the need for more accurate marker into the area, otherwise, it will result in the loss of background texture, image integration can clearly perceive the visual traces. Therefore, the formula slightly modified, in considering the prospect of taking into account the changes in the background, you can get better results.)



0 个回复

  • 数学建模运动模糊的复原
    数学建模,动态模糊与模糊图像处理,维纳滤波方法。(Mathematical modeling, dynamic fuzzy and fuzzy image processing, Wiener filtering method.)
    2018-04-16 19:23:25下载
  • Pseudo-Color Image Processing
    数字图像处理实验-图像处理-含实验题目及源代码(Pseudo-Color Image Processing (a) Implement Fig. 6.23, with the characteristic that you can specify two ranges of gray-level values for the input image and your program will output an RGB image whose pixels have a specified color corresponding to one range of gray levels in the input image, and the remaining pixels in the RGB image have the same shade of gray as they had in the input image. You can limit the input colors to all the colors in Fig. 6.4(a). (b) Download the image in Fig. 1.10(4) and process it with your program so that the river appears yellow and the rest of the pixels are the same shades of gray as in the input image. It is acceptable to have isolated specs in the image that also appear yellow, but these should be kept as few as possible by proper choice of the two gray-level bands that you input into your program.)
    2017-11-06 16:52:41下载
  • dct-svd
    digital color image watermarking based on dct-svd usinf differential evolution
    2015-03-22 20:01:07下载
  • ditonglvbo
    本文件是有关低通滤波器的程序,主要介绍了高斯低通滤波器。(This document is related to the low-pass filter procedure, introduces the Gaussian low-pass filter.)
    2014-03-14 19:52:51下载
  • ensemblelearning
    该源代码主要是利用bagging,adboosting等集成学习的方法进行图像融合处理,效果甚好!(The main source is the use of bagging, adboosting ensemble learning methods such as image fusion, the effect is very good!)
    2010-11-03 10:00:53下载
  • work
    2008-06-17 18:59:35下载
  • hw642
    Really is a good program, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging simulation target, Interpolation and fitting matlab implementation.
    2020-08-25 21:08:18下载
  • matlab
    一些图像处理中的增强算法,一些些一些些一些些(Some of the enhanced image processing algorithms, some more some more)
    2009-05-24 18:54:33下载
  • senkin
    CHEMKIN-III package. Gas mixture sensitivity analysys.
    2020-12-19 17:19:10下载
  • Untitled2
    图像处理人脸分割,用阈值法进行肤色分割,从而定位人脸(imaging processing)
    2011-11-30 13:38:30下载
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