▍1. umat+hill
计算正交各向异性材料(如木材,复合材料等)的弹塑性本构(The elastoplastic constitutive relation of orthotropic materials is calculated)
计算正交各向异性材料(如木材,复合材料等)的弹塑性本构(The elastoplastic constitutive relation of orthotropic materials is calculated)
说明: 基于Tsai-Wu失效准则的VUMAT子程序(VUMAT subroutine based on Tsai Wu failure criterion)
说明: abaqus邓肯材料模型,UMAT子程序,已验证(abaqus subroutine )(duncan model abaqus subroutine frictional material fric)
修正剑桥模型在不排水条件下的源程序,很有用,是最近做项目是研究的课题。(cambridge with fortran)
说明: 利用ABAQUS实现车辆过桥的仿真,具有较好的操作性(Simulation of bridge reaction under moving load)
化学敏感性分析程序,用来分析影响组分生成的重要化学基元反应机理贡献率(the senkin code is used to analysis the contribution ratio of the elementary reactions to one species)
CHEMKIN-III package. Gas mixture sensitivity analysys.
利用Abaqus子程序UAMP实现PID控制。(PID control is implemented using the Abaqus subroutine UAMP.)
说明: 利用Abaqus子程序UAMP实现PID控制。(PID control is implemented using the Abaqus subroutine UAMP.)
相场法模拟晶粒,有关相场的matlab程序,有相场法fortran源代码 (Matlab program on phase field)(grain evalution based on phase field method)
2D FDTD TE mode with a plane wave source and a PML abc
粘塑性模型的算法,带有INP文件,用于二维的平面模型。(viscosity plasticity model ,with inp files ,used for plane models)
ANSYS 模拟列车-桥梁耦合作用的基础(ANSYS Foundation for Simulating Vehicle-Bridge Coupling)
说明: ANSYS 模拟列车-桥梁耦合作用的基础(ANSYS Foundation for Simulating Vehicle-Bridge Coupling)
三维抛物模型,可以计算三维声场,也可以计算二维和N*2D(Numerical ocean acoustic propagation in three dimensions)