▍1. code_test
uvm testbench 例子,可以在questa软件里运行,运用shell脚本,在cygwin环境中执行,非常方便(Uvm testbench example, you can run in questa software, the use of shell script, in cygwin environment, very convenient)
uvm testbench 例子,可以在questa软件里运行,运用shell脚本,在cygwin环境中执行,非常方便(Uvm testbench example, you can run in questa software, the use of shell script, in cygwin environment, very convenient)
海思Hi3536的JSONCPP开发环境,包括库文件和头文件(Hi3536 JSONCPP开发环境)
电池驱动,mtk平台,kernel层代码(charge driver,mtk platform code of kernel)
ros中navigation功能包,包括自主定位,全局路径规划,局部路径规划,动态避障等(the navigation package, including autonomous positioning, global path planning, local path planning, dynamic obstacle avoidance, etc., )
Real User Experience Insight - sniffer application Oracle
OPC UA MASTER 协议栈,测试可用 (OPC UA protocol stack)
Geant4典型模拟算法及基本Run,event,track,step,基本概念( Geant4)
libmodbus-3.1.4 modbus library compiled by gcc
龙芯3A四核处理器,面向服务器和高性能的应用,基于多核互联架构(Loongson3A processor user manual_P1_V1.12 Loongson3A processor user manual tell you how to use 3A)
控制卡控制步进伺服电机 有直线加减速功能 减速停止 急停 脉冲发送 输入IO 输出IO(control card)
R80515 RTL code, evatrnoix IP(R80515 RTL code)
1 VTI或者任意各向异性模型围绕x-,y-,z-轴旋转,获得在新坐标系中的各向异性模型。 2 给定地表和某一深度处的各向异性参数,可以对其进行插值计算,以此建立VSP各向异性模型。 3 计算walkaway VSP理论数据。 4 计算walkaway VSP理论地震图。 (Seismic anisotropy processing program can be used to generate theoritical seimograms for walkaway VSP observation system in anisotropic medim. )
linux 编程实现ping命令,可以在linux环境正常编译运行已测试(the ping.c can be run in linux ,you can build it an run such as linux/lib/ping )
Design of Low Complexity OFDM Schemes and Position Location Algorithm for ... By Syed Faisal Ali Shah PrecodING OFDM System THESIS Go
system Verilog combinational logic
全志T3平台上ov2710+xc6131 ISP的驱动源码,已量产代码(OV2710+XC6131 ISP driver code for allwinner T3)
包括2个内容:1.Ubuntu实用学习教程Ubuntu菜鸟教程2.Ubuntu详解及使用教程 (Include 2 content: 1.Ubuntu practical study tutorial Ubuntu rookie tutorial 2.Ubuntu explain and use tutorial)