▍1. crystalypowerbuilder
power builder y crystal report
说明: 一份经过精心设计的海报模板,大家可以相互交流一下的呢(A poster template is designed, we can look at the then exchange)
仓库信息管理系统,包含简单的进销存操作,对仓库的一般信息进行管理维护。直接在PB环境中打开工程文件同时将压缩包中的MDF,LDF文件导入MSSQL中即可运行。(Warehouse information management system, including a simple Invoicing operation, the warehouse management and maintenance of general information. )
the used gud of matpower matpower的英文使用手册
1、treeview控件的应用,和数据窗口结合的使用方法。 2、treeview控件的常用函数的介绍。 3、动态切换数据窗口控件所关联的数据窗口对象。 4、数据存储datastore的初步应用。 5、treeview控件和弹出菜单的结合。(1, treeview control, applications, and data combination to use the window. 2, treeview control, introduction of the common functions. 3, dynamic data window control switch associated with the data window object. 4, the initial application of data storage datastore. 5, treeview control, and a combination of pop-up menu.)
pb 开发的MD5加密软件,转发给朋友们(pb developed MD5 encryption software, forward it to friends)
对程序进行皮肤更换,使界面美观大方,颜色柔和。(Skin change)
实现学生基本信息、选课信息及成绩的增、删、改、查功能。(Achieving students to basic information, elective information, and performance increase, delete, change, check functional.)
富迪Wince 6.0环境下的回声消除驱动(Echocancellation driver at wince 6.0 platform )
PB截图程序 可以截取全屏 或者制定图片空间的图片(PB screenshot program)
library,图书馆管理系统,SQL SERVER+PB(library)
设备管理软件,包括一般设备管理和固定资产管理(验收/调拨/报废/保养/维护/维修)(Equipment management software, including general equipment management and fixed asset management (acceptance/allocation/disposal/maintenance/maintenance/repair))
繁体简体字转换;运行环境:Windows/Linux(Traditional simplified conversion operating environment: Windows/Linux)
开发板的质量优劣直接关系的开发程序的能否运行,尤其是对高速开发板的布局布线尤为重要!(THE PCB SKILL OF DSP)
一份概要设计说明书的例子,格式规范,内容翔实(A summary of the design specification examples, the format specification, informative)
PB10.5的GUI控件,包含换肤的控件,是美化PB程序的经典之作。(PB10.5 the GUI controls, including the skin of control, PB landscaping procedures are classic.)