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于 2010-03-04 发布 文件大小:1043KB
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  the used gud of matpower matpower的英文使用手册



0 个回复

  • BLDCM_control
    无刷直流电动机矢量控制模型,控制IGBT而改变输入的.(The vector control model of Brushless DC Motor. Brushless DC Motor drived by IGBT)
    2009-10-08 23:12:40下载
  • MSEcameraman
    this is the mse of th camera men with differner wavelet families
    2010-12-20 23:02:37下载
  • RobustadaptiveKalmanfilteringbasedspeechenhancemen
    This paper deals with the problem of speech enhancement when only a corrupted speech signal is available for processing. Kalman filtering is known as an effective speech enhancement technique, in which speech signal is usually modeled as autoregressive (AR) model and represented in the state-space domain.(This paper deals with the problem of speech enhancement when only a corrupted speech signa l is available for processing. Kalman filterin g is known as an effective speech enhancement te chnique. in which speech signal is usually modeled as aut oregressive (AR) model and represented in the s tate-space domain.)
    2007-03-10 17:33:47下载
  • Linear
    一元线性回归分析,matlab源程序,不错的小程序~~~~(A linear regression analysis matlab source code, a nice little program ~ ~ ~ ~)
    2021-05-13 01:30:03下载
  • MatlabSimulinkTutorial
    比较详细地介绍了Matlab中数组、矩阵、字符变量、控制语句、图形输出以及Simulink等功能、用法的教材。(Matlab/Simulink tutorial on array, variables, control flow, simulink, etc.)
    2009-04-23 22:55:02下载
  • ga-tool3
    基于matlab的关于遗传算法的一些重要的函数的m文件,供读者参考 (Based on some of the important matlab m file on genetic algorithm function for readers reference)
    2013-12-23 14:18:19下载
  • liku
    Simplex Program made on Matlab
    2010-12-08 20:16:48下载
  • two_ray_model
    Modelo de dos rayos de Andrea Goldsmith (figura 2.5, según expresión 2.12) f = 0.9 frecuencia en GHz landa = 0.3/f en m R = -1 coeficiente de reflexión en tierra ht = 10 altura del transmisor en m hr = 2 altura del receptor en m Gt = 1 Gr = 1 Pt = 1 d=10:.1:100000 phase_diff = 4*pi*ht*hr./(landa*d) aproximación Pr = Pt*((landa/(4*pi))^2)*((abs((sqrt(Gt)./d) + (R*sqrt(Gr).*(exp(-sqrt(-1)*phase_diff)))./d)).^2) Pr = Pt*((landa/(4*pi))^2)*(1./d).*((abs((sqrt(Gt)) + (R*sqrt(Gr).*(exp(-sqrt(-1)*phase_diff))))).^2) figure(1), clf, plot((d),10*log10(Pr/max(abs(Pr)))) grid xlabel( log_1_0(d) ) ylabel( Potencia recibida (dBm) )
    2010-02-08 06:31:54下载
  • matlabGUI
    MATLAB GUI设计的实例,学习用matlab设计界面的很好的参考资料(MATLAB GUI)
    2009-10-16 11:20:56下载
  • PID_reset_windup
    PID Reset Windup simulation in Matlab Simulink
    2010-12-31 12:00:19下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104434会员总数
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