▍1. qougang-V5.2
针对EMD方法的不足,电力系统暂态稳定程序,可以进行暂态稳定计算,包含CV、CA、Single、当前、恒转弯速率、转弯模型。( For lack of EMD, Power System Transient Stability Program, can be transient stability, It contains CV, CA, Single, current, constant turn rate, turning model.)
针对EMD方法的不足,电力系统暂态稳定程序,可以进行暂态稳定计算,包含CV、CA、Single、当前、恒转弯速率、转弯模型。( For lack of EMD, Power System Transient Stability Program, can be transient stability, It contains CV, CA, Single, current, constant turn rate, turning model.)
香港科技大學ELEC3300實驗5 C檔案(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ELEC3300 Lab 5 C files)
仿新浪微博的tabbar,有兴趣的可以下载看看(Imitation Sina microblogging tabbar)
iOS APP 聊天列表实现,使用object-c实现,接口简单,方便,显示美观(Object-C 聊天列表实现)
Basic programming structures for early iPhone development
STM32F10系列单片机的IAP程序,实现远程升级(STM32F10 MCU IAP program and remotely upgrade)
招聘类应用职能列表plist,全手打,只此一份(plist of job functions)
可以学习winfrom入门使用~~ qq 小demo(Getting started can learn winform ~~ qq small demo)
5s 国行A1528和5C 国行A1526开启移动联通4G运营商文件.(ios9.0~ios9.2.1)(iPhone 5s model A1528 and iPhone 5c model A1526 carrier for opening China mobile&China union 4G.(ios9.0~ios9.2.1))
Code written in MPLAB for I2C with PIC18f45k80
TI 官方光伏逆变器学习资料。一个完整的110V纯正弦波输出逆变器学习资料,软硬件都有。(TI Inverter learning resource.)
我们写iOS项目的时候,基本都是一个UINavigationController套一个UITabBarController的形式,就是上面一个导航栏,下面几个按钮的工具条的形式。我写了几个应用,发现如果每次都重新写的话完全就是浪费精力和时间,而且还使工程结构混乱。因此我就抽时间把这种形式的UI结构单独写出来,并抽象出调用接口,这样以后再写应用是就可以直接在这个工程上添加就行了。(We write iOS project, basically in the form of a sleeve of a UINavigationController UITabBarController, that is, above the navigation bar, in the form of several toolbar buttons below. I wrote several applications, found that if each time to re-write it entirely is a waste of time and energy, but also to make the project structure confusing. So I would take the time to write this form of UI structure out alone, and abstract call interface, so that later write applications that can be added directly on this project on the line.)
一个简单的iOS小游戏,点击越接近得分越高噢(a simple iOS game)
疯狂iOS讲义6-9章讲义, 主要是多线程和网络编程部分的内容(crazy iOS 6-9chpter)
利用stemwin制作的几款界面软件,便于新手学习进步啊。(Stemwin make use of several interface softwaremFacilitate novice learning progress .)
ebook verilog HDL programming book
這是屬於BBQ EA,可供想學習交易程式的人學習(This is part of BBQ EA, trading program for people who want to learn to learn)
以前电子竞赛时写的M3 ARM控制TFT液晶显示正弦波波形可以连贯的左移,没有闪烁感,我还写了一个也是正弦波左移,只不过有一点闪烁,我也上传了,你们需要可以找一下!(Writing contest before the electronic control M3 ARM TFT LCD sinusoidal waveforms can be coherent left, no flashes, I also wrote a sine wave is left, just a little flicker, I also uploaded, you need to be able to Get it!)