▍1. AS3game_lianliankan
用 flash actionscript 3 语言开发的游戏源码。(A source of game developed with flash actionscript 3 language.)
用 flash actionscript 3 语言开发的游戏源码。(A source of game developed with flash actionscript 3 language.)
用 flash actionscript 3 语言开发的游戏源码。(A source of game developed with flash actionscript 3 language.)
flash与串口通讯源码,有用得着的可以拿去看看(flash and serial communication source, there are useful can look away)
flash与串口通讯源码,有用得着的可以拿去看看(flash and serial communication source, there are useful can look away)
一个非常不错的fansh banner ,文件是源文件下载下来就可以用(A very good fansh banner, files are downloaded from the source file can be used)
一个非常不错的fansh banner ,文件是源文件下载下来就可以用(A very good fansh banner, files are downloaded from the source file can be used)
此为matlab编的聚类程序,可以快速的对位置样本进行聚类(This is a matlab series clustering procedure, you can quickly sample clustering of the position)
flex双滑块,slider,有响应函数(flex dual slider, slider, a response function)
flex双滑块,slider,有响应函数(flex dual slider, slider, a response function)
介绍制作flash动态网站 帮助你更快的入门到精通 (Introduction flash dynamic website to help you make faster entry to the master)
此作品是用flash 8/flash cs3做的歌曲MV,应用了flash的很多技术例如:运动动画,形状动画,逐帧动画,遮罩和引导层等等(This work is done using flash 8/flash cs3 song MV, the application of many technologies such as flash: sport animation, shape animation, frame by frame animation, mask and guiding layer, etc.)
用的flex的动画效果与变换,用着很舒服,非常好!(Flex animation and transformation, with a very comfortable, very good!)
纯flash网站源码,书本的形式,流畅,精美(Pure flash website source code, in the form of books, smooth, fine)
目录源码很好用的好东西大家一起分享。请大下载来看看(The directory source good thing to share with everyone. Please download to see)
flac3d模型,80*40*40,土质状况为粘质土,采用盾构施工法,二次衬砌。(flac3d model, 80* 40* 40, the soil condition clay soil, using the method of shield construction, the secondary lining.)
这是一个简单的工具,它可以使得文档用flash组件得到展示(this is a simple tool, which makes word and other doucuments diaplay using flash object.You can diy it by yourself. )