▍1. ExampleGuide.pdf
feko7.0英文操作手册 电磁仿真必备(feko7.0 EnglishGuide Book)
feko7.0英文操作手册 电磁仿真必备(feko7.0 EnglishGuide Book)
基于MATLAB_ISIGHT动力总成悬置系统仿真分析与优化(Simulation analysis and optimization of powertrain mounting system based on MATLAB_ISIGHT)
本书有助于更好的理解博弈论,通俗易懂。有关博弈论的知识,建议大家还是看英文版的(The theory of learning in games, which help you understand game theory better.)
深入理解C#第三版英文版,很强大,需要有一定英文基础(In depth understanding of the English version of C# third edition, very powerful, need to have a certain English basis)
这是关于迁移学习的一个slides,介绍了当前迁移学习的一些进展和前沿工作。(This is a slides about migration learning. It introduces some progress and frontier work of current transfer learning.)
Sensorless Detection of Rotor Position of PMBL Motor at Stand Still
RapidIO:使用Avalon-ST直通接口的实现方法,可以在fpga上实现(rapidio altera)
苏良军编著的比较经典的概率书籍,中文的,内容丰富,值得一看。。( U6BD u5B3 u5B3 u0B3 u5B3 u0B3 u5B0 )
This book provides a carefully motivated, accessible, and interesting introduction to probability, statistics, and random processes for electrical and computer engineers.The complexity of the systems encountered in engineering practice calls for an understanding of probability concepts and a facility in the use of probability tools.The goal of the introductory course should therefore be to teach both the basic theoretical concepts and techniques for solving problems that arise in practice. The third edition of this book achieves this goal by retaining the proven features of previous editions:
comparativestudy between two control strategies of electrical machines: Direct Torque Control (DTC-SVM), andPredictive Direct Torque Control (MPDTC).
VUI流程编辑器模拟器 提供了VUI流程编辑器模拟器VE3。供开发者直接在PC机上完成VUI流程的脚本编辑和模拟。(VUI Process Editor Simulator Provides VUI Process Editor Simulator VE3. For developers directly on the PC to complete the VUI process script editing and simulation.)
the pdf entitled The Modulo Lattice Channel The Key Feature in Precoding is attached
永磁同步电动机调速系统由pmsm月吸逆变器、永磁同步电动机和机械负载三部分组成,每个部分都具有非线性特性和参数的不确定性。因为PWM逆变器死区的存在,在低速以及调制频率很高时,死区特性将会导致逆变器输出电压包含很大的谐波分量,使得电机转矩发生很大的 脉动,甚至导致系统的不稳定。有些学者采用变结构控制降低死区的影响,由于变结构控制本身具有抖振现象,这使得所设计的控制器在到达滑模平面之前很容易激起系统的未建模动态,导致系统无法克服逆变器死区的影响。 (A PMSM drive sysetm Consisst of ade-ac inverter,PMSM and sorne meehan iealload.All hteree eom Ponenst of hte syset maerhca racterizedb ymodel swhich aernon linear and eonati nullkllown Parameetrs. )
基于生物地理学优化的多UCAV协同航迹规划(Cooperative Path Planning for Multi-UCAV Based on Biogeography Based Optimization)
jmag和matlab与psim联合仿真的教程,内容非常详细,英文版的,国内资料非常少。(Jmag and MATLAB and PSIM co simulation tutorial, the content is very detailed, the English version of the domestic information is very small. )
英文书籍,详细介绍疲劳失效机理,断裂力学及裂纹扩展理论,并附有相关计算程序。(Fatigue Damage,Crack Growth and Life Prediction)
针对感应电机矢量控制系统,提出了一种可以同时补 偿死区误差电压并消除零电流钳位现象的死区补偿方法。在分析影响死区效应的因素以及等效死区时间表达式的基础上,采用平均死区时间补偿法,在两相静止轴系中对等效死区时间产生的误差电压进行了补偿。为了提高电流极性检测的准确性,利用旋转轴系中的励磁电流和转矩电流分量经过 坐标反变换,判断电流在两相静止轴系所处的扇区来决定需 要施加的补偿电压。(A dead—time compensation strategy is presented to compensate dead time elTor voltage and eliminate zero·- current clamping effect for vector controlled induction motor drive system.The factors influencing dead·time effect are analyzed,and expression of equivalent dead time is deduced.Average dead·time compensation technique is adopted to compensate error voltage at two—axes stationary frame.To improve accuracy of current polarity detection,components of magnetizing current and torque current are transformed into two-axes stationary frame.Therefore,compensating voltage vector Can be determined according to the sector where the current vector locates.)
In this study, it is tried to employ a state-of-the-art multi-objective uniform-diversity genetic algorithm (MUGA) for Pareto optimization of PI/PID controllers in Load Frequency Control (LFC) of power systems. At fi rst, multi objective optimization of a linear non-reheat two-area interconnected power system is conducted with respect to three confl icting objective functions. Gains of PI and PID controllers are con- sidered as design variables while the objective functions are Integral Time multiply Absolute Error (ITAE),
In this article an attempt has been made to solve load frequency control (LFC) problem in an inter- connected power system network equipped with classical PI/PID controller using grey wolf optimization (GWO) technique. Initially, proposed algorithm is used for two-area interconnected non-reheat thermal- thermal power system and then the study is extended to three other realistic power systems, viz. (i) two- area multi-units hydro-thermal, (ii) two-area multi-sources power system having thermal, hydro and gas