▍1. unix environment c screen programming language, 24 points poker game (players in...
unix环境下c语言屏幕编程开发,扑克24点游戏(玩家可以积分)-unix environment c screen programming language, 24 points poker game (players integral)
unix环境下c语言屏幕编程开发,扑克24点游戏(玩家可以积分)-unix environment c screen programming language, 24 points poker game (players integral)
Linux环境下的远程登陆客户端软件,其采用RDP协议-Linux environment under the remote login client software, using RDP agreement
一个多精度高效的浮点计算C语言库 , 基于GMP .-The MPFR library is a C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with correct rounding. MPFR has continuously been supported by the INRIA and the current main authors come from the CACAO and Arénaire project-teams at Loria (Nancy, France) and LIP (Lyon, France) respectively see more on the credit page. MPFR is based on the GMP multiple-precision library.
IEC104程序元源代码,以在多个主站测试过。在unix多个平台下编译后即可使用。-IEC104 program source code element to the main station in a number of tested. In unix compiled under multiple platforms to use.
Vim 中文文档-Vim Chinese Documents
一个将binary转化为cpp的转换程序,用于linux平台上-a binary conversion of the conversion of cpp procedures for linux platform
netcat,一个功能强大但很小的网络工具,这是他的源代码。linux环境下安装即可。-Netcat, a small but powerful network tool, which is the source code. Linux environment can be installed.
FreeSWITCH 是一个电话的软交换解决方案,包括一个软电话和软交换机用以提供语音和聊天的产品驱动。FreeSWITCH 可以用作交换机引擎、PBX、多媒体网关以及多媒体服务器等。
LINUX SHELL编程指南本书共分五部分,详细介绍了shell编程技巧,各种UNIX命令及语法,还涉及了UNIX下的文字处理以及少量的系统管理问题。本书内容全面、文字简洁流畅,适合Shell编程人员学习、参考。 -LINUX SHELL Programming Guide This book is divided into five parts, described in detail shell programming techniques, a variety of UNIX commands and syntax, but also under the UNIX word processing, as well as a small amount of system management issues. The book is comprehensive, concise language fluency for Shell programmers learning, reference.
资源描述wk2166的spi驱动代码linux系统基于S5PV210,WK2166是首款具备256级FIFO的低功耗并支持 UART/SPITM/IIC/8位并行总线接口的4通道UART器件。可以通过模式选择使得该芯片工作于以上任何一种主接口模式,将选定的主接口扩展为4个增强功能的UART。
linux下显示各种格式图片,包括bmp,jpg,png,等等的格式。-linux picture displayed a variety of formats, including bmp, jpg, png, etc. format.
应用背景所以不是太坏,但是如果你想让人们用这个给它作为grep相同的选项使默认无限…否则你胡说“银银银| grep”找不到一切的一切都是因为第一个“银”匹配的太多了。是的,人链模式。是的当人们找不到的东西因为它是26个文件夹深他们会生气当他们意识到银搜索失败的目的。真的不过银搜索并不真的提供了一个简单找到+ xargs包装多。它甚至可以比银搜索更好的体验,因为它有所有相同的grep选项(没有学习参与)。例如:关键技术银是相当稳定的。大多数变化是新的功能,轻微的错误修复,或性能改进。它比我更快的确认标准ACK和银发现同样的结果,但银28x更快(3.2秒和110秒)。我 ;~ /代码 ;目录是8GB。由于Git /汞/ SVN忽略,Ag在700MB。
Linux下各种主要文件系统的读写性能测试-Linux under the main file system read and write performance testing
SAML(Security Assertion Markup Language,安全断言标记语言)是由OASIS管理,得到各主流IT厂商支持和部署最广泛的网站SSO标准。它提供了一个安全且可扩展的数据格式集,在各种环境下交换数据和身份识别信息。-The OpenWS library provides a growing set of tools to work with web services at a low level. These tools include classes for creating and reading SOAP messages, transport-independent clients for connecting to web services, and various transports for use with those clients. The XMLTooling library, contained within OpenWS, provides the ability to work with XML as regular Java beans. This is similar to the Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB), XMLBeans, and XStream libraries. It differs from these libraries in three main ways: Much finer control to developer for what happens during the marshalling and unmarshalling processes Much more extensible, allowing various implementations of all of it s XMLObjects Support for XML Digital Signatures and Encryption
this if for bash doc to get good idea on bash
GtkWidget *window gtk_init (&argc, &argv) window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) gtk_widget_show (window) gtk_main () return(0) - GtkWidget*window gtk_init (&argc, &argv) window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) gtk_widget_show (window) gtk_main () return(0)
manet 动态路由协议仿真,包括AODV OLSR DSR ,并能输出仿真结果,包括吞吐量,时延,跳数等,32个节点
VRRP双机热备份协议源吗-VRRP dual hot-standby agreement source! !
移植好的Ibm405ep bsp板极支持包-Transplantation good Ibm405ep bsp board support package