▍1. cPPbuilder
c++ builder 可以导出相应的DBGrid里面的数据(c++ builder can export the data inside the corresponding DBGrid)
c++ builder 可以导出相应的DBGrid里面的数据(c++ builder can export the data inside the corresponding DBGrid)
关于图像压缩编码的matlab的实现程序,静态图像压缩标准(About image compression coding matlab realization process, still image compression standard)
关于图像压缩编码的matlab的实现程序,静态图像压缩标准(About image compression coding matlab realization process, still image compression standard)
设置多重群组的打印报表,C++Builder精选编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Print statements to set multiple group, C++Builder select learning programming source code, a good reference.)
设置多重群组的打印报表,C++Builder精选编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Print statements to set multiple group, C++Builder select learning programming source code, a good reference.)
其实popupwindow用起来比Dialog 方便,因为dialog一切都需要你自己来实现,而popupwindow帮我们实现了很多,我认为在使用的时候关键我们要看清参数: popupWindow.showAtLocation(parent, gravity, x, y) parent这个是一个父view试图, gravity 这个默认是居中,我们要指定显示方式:Gravity.LEFT | Gravity.TOP 最后两个参数就是显示的坐标位置,这样就可以根据需求自己定位显示位置了
其实popupwindow用起来比Dialog 方便,因为dialog一切都需要你自己来实现,而popupwindow帮我们实现了很多,我认为在使用的时候关键我们要看清参数: popupWindow.showAtLocation(parent, gravity, x, y) parent这个是一个父view试图, gravity 这个默认是居中,我们要指定显示方式:Gravity.LEFT | Gravity.TOP 最后两个参数就是显示的坐标位置,这样就可以根据需求自己定位显示位置了
智能温控器的误差调试上位机原程序,界面简单,功能好用!(Smart Thermostat error debugging PC original program, a simple interface, easy to use features!)
智能温控器的误差调试上位机原程序,界面简单,功能好用!(Smart Thermostat error debugging PC original program, a simple interface, easy to use features!)
Multimeter in pic18f4550 build in mikroC
Multimeter in pic18f4550 build in mikroC
禁止数据控制组件与数据集组件同步刷新,C++Builder精选源码,很好的参考资料。(No data control component and the data component synchronous refresh, C++Builder selected source code, a good reference.)
禁止数据控制组件与数据集组件同步刷新,C++Builder精选源码,很好的参考资料。(No data control component and the data component synchronous refresh, C++Builder selected source code, a good reference.)
修改IE浏览器的背景,C++Builder精选编程学习源码,很好的学习资料。(Modify the IE browser in the background, C++Builder select learning programming source code, very good learning materials.)
修改IE浏览器的背景,C++Builder精选编程学习源码,很好的学习资料。(Modify the IE browser in the background, C++Builder select learning programming source code, very good learning materials.)
在桌面上显示图像,C++Builder精选编程学习源码,很好的学习资料。(Image display on the desktop, C++Builder select learning programming source code, very good learning materials.)
在桌面上显示图像,C++Builder精选编程学习源码,很好的学习资料。(Image display on the desktop, C++Builder select learning programming source code, very good learning materials.)
设置RichEdit组件的存盘格式,C++Builder精选编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Set the RichEdit component of the disk format, C++Builder select learning programming source code, a good reference.)
设置RichEdit组件的存盘格式,C++Builder精选编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Set the RichEdit component of the disk format, C++Builder select learning programming source code, a good reference.)
将长文件名转换为短文件名,C++Builder精选编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(The long file name into a short file name, C++Builder select learning programming source code, a good reference.)