首页 » Visual C++ » GenPadsLib


于 2006-02-13 发布 文件大小:48KB
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说明:  格式转换的软件,用于生成PADS(电路设计软件)的库。使用是,从Excel表格中导出器件管脚分布的信息,该软件对这些信息进行整理,然后输出符合PADS库管理工具能够识别的文本文件。(format conversion software, used to generate PADS (circuit design software) libraries. The use is that from an Excel spreadsheet pin device derived distribution of information, the software to collate information, then output with PADS library management tool to identify the text file.)



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  • code
    土地折算:在vb环境下基于mo的不同等级土地折算系统的开发,(Land conversion: vb environment in different grades of land-based mo conversion system development,)
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  • Synthetic-seismogram
    运用雷克子波合成地震记录,可以根据自己需要更改模型参数。(Ricker wave using synthetic seismograms, you can change the model parameters according to their own needs.)
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  • ex_ori
    解算双像片空间后方交会中像片的6个外方位元素,精度达到0.001(Solution double photo photo space resection in 6 of exterior orientation elements, the precision of 0.001)
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  • CPP
    可以实现电力系统负荷削减的判断,找出需要削减负荷的负荷点和母线编号(failed to translate)
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  • gen_mon
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  • HydroInfoSystem
    水文管理信息系统,整理水文数据,绘制水文图(Hydrological management information system, collation of hydrological data, hydrological Figure Drawing)
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  • segy读取原码
    segy读取原码,该程序是勘探软件必备的代码,有做石油方面项目的一定有用。(SEGY read the original code, the program is an essential exploration software code, so oil projects necessarily useful.)
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  • Recxy
    生成理论记录模块,适合物探方面编程,仅供参考(generated record theory module, suitable geophysical aspects programming, for reference purposes only)
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  • forecast1130
    自己辛苦编写的双色球彩票统计预测程序. 为得到下载积分,忍痛贡献. visual c++ 2010, 开发. windows 7 64bit, 16GByte内存需求, 4核处理器 并行计算, STL C++, 能够快速遍历计算全部号码分解组合的概率. 贡献出来心痛. 希望联系我,找份喜欢的工作.(souce codes of double Color ball lottery statistical forecasting program, desinged by myself. visual c++ 2010 stl, parallel computing. operation requirement under windows 7 64bit, 16GByte memory and 4-core processor. Rapidly traverse calculation of the the probability of all decomposition and all combination code numbers. it have me heartache to contribute my codes for get download points. Hope to contact me, help me ge one job.)
    2012-12-02 16:55:59下载
  • shusheguanli
    能帮助宾馆和学校学生宿舍管理员能进行来客的登记管理。(Hotels and schools can help students in dormitories administrator can carry out visitor registration management.)
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