说明: 基于灰色预测,指数平滑预测的几个MATLAB程序,对于预测类问题的数学建模,可以说是必备程序。我的导师给我传的。 funesm1,2,3分别为一二三次指数平滑预测程序 fungry为灰色预测程序 funcoef为时间序列预测程序 pudn为广大的编程爱好者提供了一个交流的平台,我在此先谢谢网站的工作人员,我也会努力编出好的程序,一起同大家分享。(Based on Gray predicted that the number of exponential smoothing forecasts MATLAB procedures, issues for the prediction of the mathematical modeling, can be said to be an essential procedure. My mentor gave me spread. funesm1, 2,3 were 123 times procedures fungry exponential smoothing forecast procedures funcoef gray prediction for time series forecasting procedures for pudn programming for the majority of fans provided a platform for exchange, I would like to thank the site staff, I will strive for a good program, to share together.)
matlab forcast