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说明:  第四章 MATLAB 图形对象操作 4.1 图形对象的属性 4.2 图形对象句柄的获取 4.2.1 对象创建时获取 4.2.2 层次关系来获取 4.2.3 当前对象的获取 4.2.4 根据对象属性值的获取 4.3 图形对象句柄的删除与判断 4.3.1 句柄的删除 4.3.2 句柄的判断 4.4 图形对象属性值的获取与设置 4.4.1 图形对象属性值的设置 4.4.2 图形对象属性值的获取 4.4.3 用户缺省值的操作 4.5 图形对象的其它操作 4.5.1 figflag 函数 4.5.2 findfigs 函数 4.5.3 copyobj 函数 4.5.4 capture 函数 4.5.5 refresh 函数 4.5.6 saveas 函数 4.5.7 hgload 函数和 hgsave 函数 4.5.8 newplot 函数 (Chapter IV of MATLAB graphic objects to operate the properties of graphic object 4.1 graphic object handle 4.2 Access 4.2.1 object created when the relationship between the level of access to 4.2.2 to get 4.2.3 to obtain the current object under the object attribute value 4.2.4 Access 4.3 graphic object handle to remove the judge handles the deletion of 4.3.1 judgments 4.3.2 Handle 4.4 graphic object attribute values to obtain and set the target attribute value 4.4.1 graphics settings 4.4.2 graphic object attribute values to obtain 4.4 .3 user operation 4.5 Default graphic object 4.5.1 figflag other operations function 4.5.2 findfigs function 4.5.3 copyobj function 4.5.4 capture function 4.5.5 refresh function 4.5.6 saveas function 4.5.7 hgload function and 4.5.8 newplot function hgsave function)



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  • BP-ANN
    建立一个BP神经网络。进行训练和测试,数据样本包含在压缩文件中(Build a BP Artificial Neural Networks.Train and test the data in the rar file)
    2012-04-13 15:47:18下载
  • Matlab-HMM
    基于高斯混合模型的情感识别算法 matlab (Hmm emotion recgonition )
    2012-05-21 19:50:51下载
  • Cramer-rao_bounds
    多种信道的研究论文,尤其是cramer通道的详细研究与仿真。(Multi-channel research papers, in particular a detailed study of cramer channel and simulation.)
    2010-06-28 08:58:30下载
  • MS
    说明:  基于Matlab/Simulink的异步电机直接转矩控制系统仿真(Based on Matlab/Simulink for Induction Motor Direct Torque Control System)
    2010-08-16 19:52:46下载
  • diretor
    图像的方向图处理,通过各类算法实现方向图的获取。(The direction of image processing, algorithm through various access patterns.)
    2009-04-14 14:18:32下载
  • backprojection
    2009-05-09 21:01:04下载
    实时滤波器,具有精美界面,可以开发自己的应用功能。(You can use 4 types of filters: - Butterworth - Chebyshev 1 - Chebyshev 2 - Elliptic You can use them as: - Lowpass - Highpass - Bandpass - Stopband Showing theirs features in frequency, phase and the z plane. After the desing phase you can apply the designed filter in real time to incoming audio signal from the microphone. )
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  • Radial-neural-network
    可用来预测股票走势的matlab程序,先要输入数据(可更换),再进行预测,属于径向基神经网络的编码。(Used to predict the stock trend matlab program, need to input data (replaceable), and then to predict, belonging to the encoding of radial basis function neural network.)
    2012-04-24 18:36:05下载
  • ywdeqruq
    仿真效率很高的,有详细的注释,相控阵天线的方向图(切比雪夫加权),是路径规划的实用方法,脉冲响应的相关分析算法并检验。( High simulation efficiency, There are detailed notes, Phased array antenna pattern (Chebyshev weights), Is a practical method of path planning, Related impulse response analysis algorithm and inspection.)
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  • Speech-Denoising-master
    语音增强,基于数据融合的语音增强方法,用来处理稀疏噪声(Speech enhancement, speech enhancement based on data fusion method, used to deal with sparse noise)
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