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于 2009-08-12 发布 文件大小:2044KB
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说明:  JBPM工作流开发指南,适合学习jbpm的朋友,很详细!(JBPM workflow development guide for learning jbpm friends, in great detail!)



0 个回复

  • dhpgd
    Course designed to prepare the matlab program code, Debugging can be used, The entire training process BP neural network.
    2017-09-07 16:00:43下载
  • javaScript
    2009-09-24 16:46:30下载
  • Java与C++的严格对比
    一个不错的比较,推荐!(a good comparison, the recommended!)
    2005-02-26 08:59:40下载
  • SpringCloud,Docker.pdf
    spring cloud与docker开发微服务相关的文档。内容配合视频讲解。 Spring Cloud是在Spring Boot的基础上构建的,?于简化分布式系统构建的 ?具集,为开发?员提供快速建?分布式系统中的?些常?的模式。(Spring cloud and docker to develop micro service related documents. Content matching video interpretation. Spring Cloud is built on Spring Boot, to simplify the construction of distributed system With set, providing fast built in a distributed system for the development of member pattern more often.)
    2017-11-02 21:01:50下载
  • MasteringRMI
    《精通RMI:Java与EJB企业级应用开发》书籍的源代码. 本书是讲述RMI技术的经典著作,清晰地展示了设计和创建RMI应用中涉及到的思想,包括最常用的设计模式。详细讲述了如何利用RMI的所有高级特性,如何创建RMI系统,实例丰富,还介绍了常用的客户/服务器结构、远程调用的本质以及与RMI相关的技术。作者把既简单又很有说服力的应用与理论相结合,全书由浅入深,概念叙述和应用分析并举,使读者不仅“知其然”,而且“知其所以然”。对于所有关注Java技术、从事企业应用实现的读者来说,是一本内容详尽、技巧高超的参考书籍。 ("proficient RMI : Java and EJB enterprise-class application development, "the source books. the book is about RMI classics, a clear demonstration of the design and creation of RMI application relates to the idea, including the most commonly used design patterns. A detailed account of how to use RMI all advanced features, how to set up RMI system, abundant examples, also introduced in the client/server structure, the nature of long-distance calls with the RMI and related technologies. The authors not only simple but also very convincing application and theory, elementary book. the concept of narrative and analysis applications simultaneously, so that readers not only "know-" and "know why they are so." For all the concern Java technology, enterprise applicat)
    2006-07-28 19:44:17下载
  • FocusAfterRemovalTest
    Activity Instrumentation Test Case for Andriod.
    2013-11-26 14:22:43下载
  • Java 8实战
    本书全面介绍了Java 8 这个里程碑版本的新特性,包括Lambdas、流和函数式编程。有了函数式的编程特性,可以让代码更简洁,同时也能自动化地利用多核硬件。全书分四个部分:基础知识、函数式数据处理、高效Java 8 编程和超越Java 8,清晰明了地向读者展现了一幅Java 与时俱进的现代化画卷。(While the term lambda expression may sound abstract and academic Java 8 Lambdas can have a big impact on how you program every day In simplest terms a lambda expression is a function a bit of code that you can pass to another method as an argument)
    2018-09-05 12:10:56下载
  • OrderManager
    Online Order Manager
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  • jikeh-JiKeHCN-RELEASE-master
    说明:  Quartz:这是一个功能比较强大的的调度器,可以让你的程序在指定时间执行,也可以按照某一个频度执行,配置起来稍显复杂。(Quartz: This is a powerful scheduler that allows your program to execute at a specified time or at a certain frequency, which is slightly more complicated to configure.)
    2020-07-14 13:24:34下载
  • DiYiFanWen19
    华工科技交话费 交话费放空间和 恢复和规范化个肺结核(I m good, you are a bad egg )
    2012-11-21 16:38:48下载
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