说明: 根据语音信号的特点给出有关滤波器的性能指标:1)低通滤波器性能指标,fp=1000Hz,fc=1200 Hz, As=100dB,Ap=1dB;2)高通滤波器性能指标,fc=2800 Hz,fp=3000 Hz As=100dB,Ap=1dB;3)带通滤波器性能指标,fp1=1200 Hz,fp2=3000 Hz,fc1=1000 Hz,fc2=3200 Hz,As=100dB,Ap=1dB。用IIR对其分析,最后,利用MATLAB中的函数freqz画出各滤波器的频率响应。(This article according to the IIR filter and the FIR filter characteristic, uses the bilinearity method of transformation under the MATLAB bad boundary to design IIR and to design the FIR numeral filter separately with the window box number, and carries on the analysis to the gathering pronunciation signal, and finally gives IIR and FIR to the pronunciation filter effect.)