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于 2008-10-10 发布 文件大小:2KB
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说明:  在matlab环境下,实现小波变换对信号处理方面的试验。(In the matlab environment, the realization of wavelet transform for signal processing experiments.)



0 个回复

  • Matlabtoolbox_space
    Matlab航天器工具箱,用于轨道计算,2D或3D的平面显示,包含计算多卫星轨道动力学模型和地面覆盖分析等(Matlab toolbox spacecraft for orbit calculation, 2D or 3D graphic display, including the calculation of multi-satellite orbital dynamics analysis model and floor coverings)
    2010-12-03 19:09:28下载
  • test_lms_rls
    equalizers LMS and RLS alghoritm
    2013-09-19 14:59:57下载
  • MATLAB-code
    包含了14段代码,主要是金融领域。包含了显性有限差分-期权定价、蒙特卡洛定价、风险中性期权定价等(Contains 14 sections of the code, mainly in the financial sector. Contains explicit finite difference- pricing, Monte Carlo pricing, risk-neutral pricing options)
    2015-01-26 13:53:00下载
  • SCM-2013-11-20
    看了一段时间的3GPP的信道建模,所以自己动手写了一个(参考了该协会的标准代码,不过改良了一些,执行效率更高)(the 3GPP SCM model building. Comparing to the original code, this task is more efficient and clearer.)
    2013-12-19 22:09:28下载
  • xiaoboquzao
    这是一个小波去噪MATLAB源程序,用于处理各种信号中的突变点以及异常点的小波去噪程序,该程序能实现各种序列中的异常点的识别。 (This is a wavelet denoising MATLAB source code for a variety of signal processing and exception point mutations wavelet denoising procedure that can achieve a variety of sequence identification of outliers.)
    2013-05-23 19:51:37下载
  • Wavelet_OMP
    压缩传感算法,可以通过此算法恢复图像实现超分辨成像,多尺度小波变换(Compression sensing algorithm, through which the image can be restored to achieve super-resolution imaging, multi-scale wavelet transform)
    2017-06-10 14:35:30下载
  • one_dimension_wavelet
    一维小波数据处理,matlab,有详细的注释和效果对比(1 dimension wavelet transform, detailed comments included in the files)
    2010-08-22 16:55:37下载
  • motion-tracking
    在matlab上实现的用于数字图像处理中跟踪运动的代码(Implemented on the matlab image processing for digital code tracking movement)
    2011-04-24 16:41:06下载
  • wavevib
    WAVEVIB generates a vibroseis waveform (Clauder wavelet) by % first calling SWEEP to generate a linear sweep and then calling % AUTO to autocorrelate that sweep. Theoretically, the autocorrelation % length is ~ 2*slength but only only the central wlength long % part is generated. This is like windowing the auto with a boxcar.(WAVEVIB generates a vibroseis waveform (Clauder wavelet) by first calling SWEEP to generate a linear sweep and then calling AUTO to autocorrelate that sweep. Theoretically, the autocorrelation length is ~ 2* slength but only only the central wlength long part is generated. This is like windowing the auto with a boxcar.)
    2008-03-20 18:45:40下载
  • MatlabTutorial-6-5
    Matlab/Simulink Tutorial
    2013-02-28 03:13:32下载
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