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于 2010-04-01 发布 文件大小:2KB
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说明:  gpib 输入、输出,ADLINK’s LPCI-3488A and USB-3488A GPIB controller interface cards are fully compatible with the IEEE488.2 instrumentation control and communication standard and are capable of controlling up to 14 stand-alone instruments via IEEE488 cables.(gpib input & OUTADLINK’s LPCI-3488A and USB-3488A GPIB controller interface cards are fully compatible with the IEEE488.2 instrumentation control and communication standard and are capable of controlling up to 14 stand-alone instruments via IEEE488 cables.)



0 个回复

  • vb6-md5jia
    采用VB6.0编程的MD5加密算法。MD5就是采用单向加密的加密算法,对于MD5而言,有两个特性是很重要的,第一是任意两段明文数据,加密以后的密文不能是相同的;第二是任意一段明文数据,经过加密以后,其结果必须永远是不变的。前者的意思是不可能有任意两段明文加密以后得到相同的密文,后者的意思是如果我们加密特定的数据,得到的密文一定是相同的。(Using VB6.0 programming of MD5 encryption algorithm. MD5 is the use of one-way encryption algorithm, for MD5, there are two characteristics is very important, the first is any two plaintext data encrypted ciphertext, later not to be the same second is an arbitrary piece of plaintext encrypted data, then, the results must always be the same. The meaning of the former is unlikely to have any two plaintext after getting the same ciphertext, which means if we encrypt specific data, the encryption must be the same. )
    2013-08-30 14:50:25下载
  • BingJue-Communications-Test(110303)
    VB开发的IP测试程序,这是在我工作中写的调试程序,在配置文件中只需要写上相应的IP,程序就会循环测试IP地址是否在线,不在线的话就会报警提醒(VB development of IP test program, which is written in my work debugger, just write in the configuration file on the corresponding IP, the program will loop test IP address is online, not online, then it will alarm to remind)
    2014-01-27 13:56:19下载
  • Finite difference
    建立差分格式,输入边缘数值通过有限差分法计算网格中点的值(电磁场与电磁波中内容)(A difference scheme is set up, and the input edge value is calculated by the finite difference method (the content of electromagnetic field and electromagnetic wave) in the mesh.)
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  • vbchengxu
    VB画图程序源码,VB画图程序源码,VB画图程序源码(VB Paint program source code)
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  • modbus
    modbus rtu 校验vb源码,对VB学习者很有帮助(modbus rtu checksum vb source code, useful for VB learner)
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  • Timer
    指针时钟 (A Timer )
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  • simplerecord
    VB实现的录音机程序,有一个简单的界面可实现对录音的控制,在录音完毕后可播放试听录音,变量定义:   Dim Time_Start 定义变量存储开始计时的时间   Dim Time_Lenth 定义变量存储Slider1控件的最大值   Dim MyTime 定义变量存储已经录制的时间   更多请参阅源代码。(VB realize recorder program has a simple interface that enables control of the recording, after recording can be played in the audition recording, variable definition: Dim Time_Start define a variable to store the timing of the start time Dim Dim Time_Lenth define variables to store the maximum control Slider1 MyTime defined variable storage has recorded more time, please refer to the source code.)
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  • 98765789
    VB数学运算实例:分解质因数源代码,有需要的下。(VB Math Example: prime factorization source code, there is need for the next.)
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  • Combat
    programa escrito en visual basic 6.0
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