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于 2011-03-04 发布 文件大小:3KB
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说明:  用数字滤波器进行脑电信号处理,可以滤除脑电信号中的无用成分,达到对脑电信号去噪的效果。(Brain with digital signal processing filter can filter out unwanted components in the EEG, to the effect on EEG denoising.)



0 个回复

  • abc
    说明:  给图像添加噪声,驱除噪声,具体的说就是先添加高斯噪声等等,然后通过中值滤波,自适应滤波等等(Add noise to the image, get rid of noise。Specifically, it is the first toadd Gaussian noise, etc., and then median filtering, adaptive filtering, etc. )
    2010-05-04 17:03:01下载
  • perception
    感知机学习的源代码,希望能对大家有学习上的帮助!(Perception of the source code of machine learning, we hope to help learning!)
    2012-08-28 17:45:24下载
  • 3285-30367-2-PB
    In most of the approaches of computer-aided detection of breast cancer, one of the preprocessing steps applied to the mammogram is the removal/suppression of pectoral muscle, as its presence within the mammogram may adversely affect the outcome of cancer detection processes. Through this study, we propose an efficient automatic method using the watershed transformation for identifying the pectoral muscle in mediolateral oblique view mammograms. The watershed transformation of the mammogram shows interesting properties that include the appearance of a unique watershed line corresponding to the pectoral muscle edge. In addition to this, it is observed that the pectoral muscle region is oversegmented due to the existence of several catchment basins within the pectoral muscle
    2015-01-20 18:13:30下载
  • curv
    角点的计算calculate the curvature of image(calculate the curvature of image)
    2010-10-07 11:24:03下载
  • Program_lpgpca
    Denoising can be done using this m files
    2012-04-02 14:25:08下载
  • data_run_universal
    使用matlab读取大量实验数据,并进行计算和分析的程序(Using matlab to read large amounts of experimental data and calculations and analysis procedures)
    2013-10-30 04:39:39下载
  • yibushiliang
    异步电动机矢量控制仿真源文件 效果好 能用(Induction motor vector control simulation source files effect can)
    2013-04-23 01:23:39下载
  • kde.tar
    kde全称是kernel density estimation.基于核函数的概率密度估计方法。是模式识别中常用的算法之一(KDE which is kernel density estimation is used to estimate probabilty function. It is mostly used in pattern recogntion)
    2009-05-13 15:33:20下载
  • zxecf
    一种应用牛顿迭代法的MATLAB源程序 解决的是方程求根的问题(A MATLAB application of Newton iteration method to solve the source problem of finding roots of equations)
    2010-12-25 11:33:00下载
  • particlefilterprogram
    说明:  对粒子滤波算法的原理和应用进行综述’首先针对非线性非高斯系统的状态滤波问题C阐述粒子滤波的原理D然后在分析采样=重要性=重采样算法基础上C讨论粒子滤波算法存在的主要问题和改进手段D最后从概率密度函数的角度出发C将粒子滤波方法与其他非线性滤波算法进行比较C阐明了粒子滤波的适应性C给出了粒子滤波在一些研究领域中的应用C并展望了其未来发展方向(QJPRQ Elc8&m :jelf dgwd99&jvdej gq:c&decwe 9d:ejv&chj&ec:d:cqi:pcrcw’8jfjgmdeelcg g&jgcd:"g g= #diqqjdghj&ec:9: u&cfCelcmcgc:jvjwcdq h9d:ejv&chj&ec:d:cmjpcgCudqcwgelcdgd&rqjqhqedgwd:wd&m :jelf=jf9 :edgvc=:cqdf9&jgmhj&ec:Celc9h9d:ev&chj&ec:d:cwjqviqqcwdgwqcjf9:d:cj&&iqe:decw)
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