说明: DICOM是各种数字化影像设备的图像格式和数据传输标准。许多医学图像都采用了DICOM标准。DICOM医学图像的编 码和显示是医学图像研究的基础。该文介绍了DICOM的相关概念和医学图像的组织结构。列出了数据集进行编解码的算法并用 Matlab和VC++编程实现DICOM医学图像的信息读取和显示。(Abstract:Dicom(Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine)is the international standard of medical images archiving and com- munication.It is built by NEMA and ACR..It prescribes the uniform exchange format in Picture Archiving and Communication Systems.It provides the interface standard and communication protocol for different medical imaging equipments and their users.The displaying of Di- com medical image and encoding is the basis of medical image technology study.In this paper,the organization structure of Dcm file and displaying method of Dicom medical image is introduced.And describe the realization process of information read.The displaying is real- ized by Matlab and VC++programming.)