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于 2009-08-01 发布 文件大小:89KB
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说明:  样本自相关函数和偏相关函数,仅供大家参考,多多指教(Sample autocorrelation function and the partial correlation function, we only refer to the exhibitions)



0 个回复

  • RBF
    径向基函数插值使用一系列基函数,它们在每个采样点对称且居中。径向基函数是一类特殊的函数,其主要特征是它们的响应与中心点的距离单调地减小(或增加)。中心、距离刻度和精确的形状是模型的参数。(Radial Basis Function interpolation with biharmonic, multiquadric, inverse multiquadric, thin plate spline, and Gaussian basis functions for Matlab/Octave. RBF interpolation uses a series of basis functions that are symmetric and centered at each sampling point. Radial basis functions are a special class of functions with their main feature being that their response decreases (or increases) monotonically with distance from a central point. The center, the distance scale, and the precise shape are parameters of the model.)
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  • tensores
    A library for DW-MRI Processingg
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    说明:  利用时域有限差分(FDTD)仿真二维(2D)横电波(TE)的传播,吸收边界条件为完全匹配层(PML)。(The use of finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulation of two-dimensional (2D) transverse electric wave (TE) the spread of absorbing boundary conditions for the perfectly matched layer (PML).)
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    control of active and reactive power for modular mulilevel controller based systems
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  • MatlabAdvancedProgramming
    经典Matlab教材,关于Matlab高级编程、编译、与外部程序接口、界面设计技巧等。(Matlab textbook classic, high-level programming on Matlab, compiled, and the external program interface, interface design skills.)
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  • lab_1
    Matlab introduction file
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    sourceRadar.m 产生雷达数据 sourceIR.m 产生红外数据 EKF_Radar.m 雷达数据扩展卡尔曼滤波 EKF_IR.m 红外数据滤波 Asynchronism_Radar.m 雷达数据同步 Asynchronism_IR.m 红外数据同步 fusion_asyn.m 异步数据融合(sourceRadar.m produce radar data sourceIR.m radar data to produce infrared data EKF_Radar.m extended Kalman filter EKF_IR.m infrared data filtering Asynchronism_Radar.m Asynchronism_IR.m infrared radar data synchronization data synchronization fusion_asyn.m asynchronous data fusion)
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  • lorenzlyapunov
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  • IEEEXplore
    Find edge for an input gray image Input:an gray scale image Output: 1.Image_OE:the detected edge reference:P. Perona and J. Malik. Detecting and localizing edges composed of steps, peaks and roofs. ICCV, 1990( Find edge for an input gray image Input: an gray scale image Output: 1.Image_OE: the detected edge reference: P. Perona and J. Malik. Detecting and localizing edges composed of steps, peaks and roofs. ICCV, 1990)
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