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于 2007-08-30 发布 文件大小:29KB
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  利用matlab进行kalman滤波的仿真(Carried out using kalman filtering matlab simulation)



0 个回复

  • fit_ellipse1
    fit_ellipse - finds the best fit to an ellipse for the given set of points.(fit_ellipse- finds the best fit to an ellipse for the given set of points.)
    2009-11-22 21:55:18下载
  • 2psk
    bpsk 数字调制 本程序包括基本编程和仿真,希望对大家有帮助(This procedure bpsk digital modulation including basic programming and simulation, we hope to help)
    2009-05-18 14:57:22下载
  • juanjima_decoder
    Matlab的卷积码译码器的设计与仿真的课程设计报告。(Matlab code of convolutional decoder design of the curriculum design and simulation of the report.)
    2009-05-30 12:19:47下载
  • EAV
    该算法是通过统计图像某一边缘法向方向的灰度变化情况来进行评价。即灰度变化越剧烈, 边缘越清晰, 图像也越清晰。(The algorithm is an edge of the image through the statistical method to change the direction of the gray scale to be evaluated. The more intense the gray change, the more clear the edge of the image are more clear.)
    2011-01-14 14:12:53下载
  • FSK
    说明:  设计一个2FSK数字调制系统,要求: (1)设计出规定的数字通信系统的结构; (2)根据通信原理,设计出各个模块的参数(例如码速率,滤波器的截止 频率等); (3)用Matlab或SystemView 实现该数字通信系统; (4)观察仿真并进行波形分析; (5)系统的性能评价。 (Design a digital modulation system 2FSK require: (1) design a digital communication system under the structure (2) According to the communication theory, design parameters of each module (such as code rate, filter cutoff frequency, etc.) (3 ) with Matlab or SystemView realize the digital communication system (4) observing the waveform simulation and analysis (5) system performance evaluation.)
    2010-05-04 10:42:41下载
  • RIP
    对于压缩感知领域的RIP问题,自己编的一种计算矩阵RIP稀疏的程序。(RIP problem for compressed sensing field, a computing sparse matrix RIP own series of programs.)
    2021-04-12 15:58:57下载
  • KalmanAll
    matlab中关于卡尔曼滤波的一些常用子函数及工具(One kinds of the Kalman filter can estimate the position of the ball.)
    2013-10-24 10:16:51下载
  • my_nbc
    matlab环境下的一个朴素贝叶斯分类器,还是可以的(Matlab environment, a simple Bayesian classifier, or you can)
    2012-10-23 10:53:26下载
  • chap01_5s
    先进pid matlab 仿真 刘金琨 第版 第一章程序 pid matlab simulink liujinkunc hap01_5.rar (Liu Jinkun advanced first pid matlab simulation program version of the first chapter pid matlab simulink liujinkunc hap01_5.rar)
    2009-07-17 21:25:04下载
  • matlablibs
    说明:  在vc中调用matlib得时候,需要一些引擎文件,在这里已经全部包含。(in vc call matlib in time and need some engines, has been here all included.)
    2005-09-22 17:16:03下载
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