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于 2010-03-24 发布 文件大小:1881KB
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说明:  MFC实现页面置换,可视化! 先入先出法(FIFO) 最优置换算法(OPT) 最久未使用算法(LRU) (AppWizard has created this group_20 application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.)



0 个回复

  • 多个运动控制卡流
    运动控制卡发展越来越讯速,不同类型的控制卡亦多种多样,使软件项目经理具备越来越灵活的方案选择。而对于软件开人员,对不同的类型卡的性能测试工作无疑也越来越麻烦,通常各类型的控制卡其驱动库函数各不一样,都需要用户自己进行整理封装多类型卡编程方式,供参考(Multi - type card programming mode for reference)
    2018-11-21 10:30:01下载
  • C8051F060-DAC
    这个程序输出正弦和余弦波形 使用DAC硬这C8051F060单片机DAC0波形输出 和DAC1  Timer4中断更新的输出DAC.Timer4 ISR的  然后导致了DACs计算的输出,这是下一个中断。 输出波形的频率设定的# define <频率>。  实现定义的精确输出频率<频率>,一个  /使用外部晶体。(This program outputs sine and cosine waveforms using the hardware DACs // on the C8051F06x microcontroller. The waveforms are output on pins DAC0 // and DAC1. // // The output of the DAC is updated upon a Timer4 interrupt. The Timer4 ISR // then calculates the output of the DACs for the next interrupt. // // The frequency of the output waveforms is set by the#define <FREQUENCY>. // To achieve the exact output frequency defined by <FREQUENCY>, an // external crystal should be used.)
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  • instrumentsrc
    在工业控制软件中经常要显示测量数据,如果在在界面上单纯显示一些数字会显得很单调,如果能在软件中添加色泽艳丽的控件,就一定会为你的软件增色不少,让人有爽心悦目的感觉。在此就介绍一款这样的仪表控件。 (in industrial control software often measured data to show that, if the interface simple figures show was very dull, and if the software can add color sensational control, we would be the software for your occasion gives Shuangxin pleasant feeling. In one such briefing on the dashboard controls.)
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  • Cpp1
    1: 由BSQ转为BIL.BIP 2 由BIL转换为BSQ,BIP 3: 由BIP转换为BSQ,BIL.(1: the BSQ to BIL.BIP 2 by the BIL into BSQ, BIP 3: converted by the BIP BSQ, BIL.)
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  • toCstring
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