首页 » Visual C++ » wince5.0下的电池的上层应用程序 BattThread

wince5.0下的电池的上层应用程序 BattThread

于 2009-09-21 发布 文件大小:3040KB
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  wince5.0下的电池的上层应用程序,检测是否充电,弹出界面,显示电量大小,是学习ui线程的好例子(wince5.0 battery under the upper application, testing whether the charge, showing the size of electricity is a good example to learn ui thread)


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0 个回复

  • EVC_Book
    < EVC高级编程及其应用开发>>电子书!!! 共13章,超星转PDF格式,这可是我自己转换独家首次发布!其源码本站已经有人发布过了,可以自己找找。(<EVC high-level programming and application development>> e-books! ! ! A total of 13 chapters, Chaoxing to PDF format, this is my own exclusive conversion the first time! The source website has been released, you can find their own.)
    2020-06-26 06:00:01下载
  • serial_test
    wince6.0系统下9263开发板串口通讯调试程序(wince6.0 system under the 9263 development board serial communication debugger)
    2012-07-13 08:06:31下载
  • evcScrollBmpUse
    EVC的滚动条源码,有需要的朋友可一起研究哦(EVC source of the rolling, it is necessary to be friends together, oh)
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  • DrvWiz
    Win ce Driver for RS 232 Driver Sample
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  • 01155600686
    这是一个Windows ce系统下的串口调试工具,对串口调试有一定的帮助。(This is a system under Windows ce Serial debugging tools, a pair of serial debugging certainly help.)
    2007-04-29 14:41:54下载
  • 2.7-DrawGif
    6410的测试基于wince的测试程序,对那些刚学习的人很有帮助(6410 test test procedures based on wince, for those just learning were very helpful)
    2011-11-14 23:44:46下载
  • winmobpatch
    you can copy and paste into your EVC4 source code It uses #ifdef _WIN32_WCE to make sure the code gets compiled for Pocket PC 2003 project or Smartphone 2003 project. The final executable can then be copied to a Pocket PC 5.0 device or Smartphone 5.0 device. ( you can copy and paste into your EVC4 source code It uses#ifdef _WIN32_WCE to make sure the code gets compiled for Pocket PC 2003 project or Smartphone 2003 project. The final executable can then be copied to a Pocket PC 5.0 device or Smartphone 5.0 device. )
    2009-07-22 16:42:28下载
  • GenDriver
    说明:  Windows CE 驱动开发基本架构,完整了解Windows CE driver 的开发架构,用简单的例子,快速上手的快捷方式, 是绝佳的驱动学习范例(Windows CE-driven development infrastructure, a complete understanding of the Windows CE driver development system which makes use of a simple example, fast-to-use shortcut, is an excellent example-driven learning)
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    Sequence table to generate sequence Sequence table to generate sequence(Sequence table to generate sequence Sequence table to generate sequence)
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  • winCE_3G_Driver
    wince5.0及6.0下3G卡驱动,wince5.0 and 6.0 3G card driver(wince5.0 and 6.0 3G card driver)
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