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于 2010-03-23 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning pid tunning learning



0 个回复

  • Pajek
    在Matlab上实现Pajek的复杂网络源程序(Pajek for Complex Network based on Matlab)
    2009-11-01 16:24:03下载
  • channeleqlizer
    channel equalizer for wireless communication system
    2009-04-28 18:46:20下载
  • Gaussianm
    background subtraction using gmm
    2010-11-18 21:56:41下载
  • nn4
    conitnue for last m file
    2011-08-26 16:06:06下载
  • voronoi_mountains
    VORONOI_MOUNTAINS is a MATLAB program which makes a 3D surface plot of a Voronoi diagram. The Voronoi diagram divides up points in the plane by associating each point with the closest of a set of generator points.
    2011-12-02 05:55:56下载
  • SPLL
    较为详细地介绍了单同步坐标系软件锁相环,采用了单一的同步坐标系锁相控制结构,一般适用于电网电压平衡时的相位,频率及幅值的检测,以及用于多种控制结构中(下垂控制,PQ控制,双闭环控制)。(A more detailed description of the principle of a single coordinate system PLL synchronization and setting PI controller parameters. SPLL with a single synchronous coordinate system lock control structure, generally applicable to the detection phase, frequency and amplitude of the grid voltage at equilibrium, as well as for a variety of control structures (droop control, PQ control, dual loop control).)
    2020-10-30 22:39:56下载
  • Gravitational-Search-algorithm
    GSA非本人编写,从原作者那得到,如果使用,请注明原作者(I write non-GSA obtained from the author that, if used, please indicate the author)
    2014-05-12 20:05:39下载
  • 不同边界条件下均匀直梁固有频率计算软件源代码
    说明:  本软件用于计算不同边界条件下均匀直梁横向、纵向前三阶固有频率。(The software is used to calculate the first three natural frequencies of the transverse and longitudinal direction of a uniform straight beam under different boundary conditions.)
    2019-12-13 18:34:06下载
  • jpegdemo
    this is simple jpeg demo file.
    2012-12-28 17:47:23下载
  • 7_ImageEnhance
    基于System Generator的图像处理工程,多媒体处理FPGA实现的源码,图像增强处理,平滑,锐化,滤波(System Generator based image processing engineering, multimedia processing FPGA implementation source code, image enhancement, smoothing, sharpening, filtering)
    2020-10-20 21:07:24下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104432会员总数
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