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于 2009-07-27 发布 文件大小:271KB
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说明:  matlab软件的使用的基础知识4,关于函数与方程(包括多项式、函数零点、函数极值,最小二乘你和)(matlab software using the basic knowledge of 4, on the function and equations (including polynomials, function zero, extremal functions, least squares and you))



0 个回复

  • ex9_14
    ex9_14 雷达的恒虚警处理(CFAR)。在雷达的数据中有很多的杂波,会造成虚警。所以我们必须进行处理,这里我们采用了慢门处理和快门处理,并且对处理后的结果进行比较(ex9_14 radar CFAR processing (CFAR). The radar data have a lot of clutter, this will result in false alarms. Therefore, we must deal with, here we have adopted a slow shutter door handle and deal with, and after the results were compared)
    2009-07-16 18:10:18下载
  • DifferentiationMatrixSuite
    说明:  微分矩阵组件(Differentiation Matrix Suite)(differential matrix components (Differentiation Matrix Suite))
    2006-04-25 11:37:18下载
  • matlab-Kalman
    kalman filter with mat
    2011-05-02 00:32:39下载
  • speaker-recognition
    mfcc用于求取训练样本的特征值,其需要melbankm和enframe两个程序。 enframe用于将语音分帧,melbankm用于产生mel三角滤波器组,vqlbg用于获取说话人码书,disteu程序用于计算两个矩阵间的距离,(mfcc strike eigenvalues ​ ​ for the training sample, which requires melbankm and enframe two procedures. enframe for the voice of the frame, melbankm used to produce the triangular mel filter bank, vqlbg codebook is used to get people talking, disteu procedures used to calculate the distance between two matrices,)
    2013-12-19 10:22:58下载
  • rayl
    generate a normal sequence from rayleigh distribution
    2009-04-20 15:52:10下载
  • cvx
    讲述凸优化,经典著作,有matlab程序(About convex optimization, classics, there is matlab program)
    2011-10-14 09:07:43下载
    用MATLAB编程求AR参数,并采用FPE估计AR阶数(AR parameters uated using MATLAB programming, and the use of FPE estimated AR order)
    2014-11-17 09:28:44下载
  • ea88b0036898
    CHILD M-file for child.fig CHILD, by itself, creates a new CHILD or raises the existing singleton*. H = CHILD returns the handle to a new CHILD or the handle to the existing singleton*. CHILD( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local function named CALLBACK in CHILD.M with the given input arguments. CHILD( Property , Value ,...) creates a new CHILD or raises the existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are applied to the GUI before child_OpeningFcn gets called. An unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application stop. All inputs are passed to child_OpeningFcn via varargin. *See GUI Options on GUIDE s Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one instance to run (singleton)".
    2012-07-06 21:14:28下载
  • 基于粒子滤波的TBD在一个目标的仿真
    说明:  基于粒子滤波的检测前目标跟踪在一个目标的仿真(Simulation of target tracking in a target before detection based on particle filter)
    2019-11-16 12:32:49下载
  • PLS
    PLS算法,这里是PLS的一种线性回归算法。(PLS algorithm, here is a linear regression algorithm for PLS.)
    2009-10-15 11:13:41下载
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