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于 2009-01-05 发布 文件大小:2036KB
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  一本科学计算的书籍,是有MATLAB的创始人写的(A scientific computing books, is written by the founder of MATLAB)



0 个回复

  • SEPQdot
    2D量子点的散焦成像matlab程序 哈哈(defocused imaging)
    2010-12-07 22:53:33下载
    PPM调制的超宽带系统RAKE接收机的误码率仿真程序(BER simulation of PPM_UWB system)
    2009-05-24 17:54:04下载
  • sift
    说明:  用Matlab实现灰度图像SIFT(尺度不变特征变换)特征点的提取(Grayscale images with Matlab SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) feature point extraction)
    2010-04-01 15:34:39下载
  • vivek
    satellite image fusion
    2014-02-24 03:05:24下载
  • ApplicationsandDevelopmentofExpertSysteminWastewat
    说明:  针对污水处理系统的多变量、非线性、时变性与随机性等特点,介绍了专家系统的结构和特点及其在污水处理领域的应用研究现状,分析了其存在的问题。结果表明,国外专家系统发展迅速,并且应用领域遍及污水处理系统的各个方面,国内尚处于起步阶段。最后提出了在污水处理领域专家系统应用研究的发展方向。(Sewage treatment system for multi-variable, nonlinear, time variability and random other peculiarity of the structure and characteristics of expert systems and its application of sewage processing status, and analyzes its problems. The results show that the rapid development of foreign expert systems, and applications across all aspects of sewage treatment system, domestic still in its infancy. Finally, an expert in the field of wastewater treatment system application development direction.)
    2010-04-28 21:07:03下载
  • 22
    说明:  语音识别关键性技术的MATLAB仿真实现.pdf(Voice recognition key technologies MATLAB simulation. Pdf)
    2013-01-03 12:19:58下载
  • Hottel
    Ashrae模型 太阳辐射强度预测模型 任何时间和地点(Ashrae model predictive models of solar radiation intensity at any time and place)
    2013-11-03 18:57:03下载
  • Factor_Models
    matlab因子模型的代码,包括全部的代码以及所涉及的论文(matlab factor model code, including all of the code and papers)
    2013-03-26 01:09:10下载
  • Fcm
    FCM Data set clustering using fuzzy c-means clustering. [CENTER, U, OBJ_FCN] = FCM(DATA, N_CLUSTER) finds N_CLUSTER number of clusters in the data set DATA. DATA is size M-by-N, where M is the number of data points and N is the number of coordinates for each data point. The coordinates for each cluster center are returned in the rows of the matrix CENTER. The membership function matrix U contains the grade of membership of each DATA point in each cluster. The values 0 and 1 indicate no membership and full membership respectively. Grades between 0 and 1 indicate that the data point has partial membership in a cluster. At each iteration, an objective function is minimized to find the best location for the clusters and its values are returned in OBJ_FCN.
    2013-04-21 07:30:57下载
  • drtoolbox-version-0.8b
    最新的流行学习降维工具箱,并且附上安装说明version 0.8b (18-April-2012)(the newest drtoolboxversion 0.8b (18-April-2012)and install readme)
    2012-11-28 21:15:12下载
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