说明: 本文在DCT噪声信号模型研究的基础上,提出了一种新的音频水印嵌入位置选择策略和一个应用该策略的自适应音频水印算法. 通过定义DCT系数的噪声敏感度,建立了水印嵌入位置和嵌入水印后的音频信号的听觉感知性之间的关系,根据音频水印的不可听性的要求选择最优的嵌入位置,然后调节水印强度来满足鲁棒性的要求,从而最大程度地保持音频水 印的不可听性和鲁棒性,为解决音频水印嵌入过程中不可听性和鲁棒性之间的矛盾提供了一种策略.(Though m any w orks in the literature agree that w aterm ark should be em bedded in the middle2fre2 quency coefficients or percep tually significant components, how to determ ine the position em bedded has no universal definition. A new em bedding strategy and an algorithm app lying the strategy are p roposed for audio w aterm arking in DCT dom ain based on research of DCT noise m odal. B y defining a noise sensitivity vector, a m ath relationship betw een the w aterm ark em beddable position and the audible quality of the audio file w ith w aterm ark is set up.)