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于 2010-06-19 发布 文件大小:229KB
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  打开bmp位图文件 彩色转灰阶 直方图均衡 直方图规定 灰阶线性化(Open the bmp grayscale bitmap image binarization functions connected domain extraction features)



0 个回复

  • gaosi
    二维图形图像处理,高斯平滑的源代码,图像预处理(Two-dimensional graphic image processing, Gaussian smoothing of the source code, image preprocessing)
    2009-11-18 15:32:39下载
  • ComputerGraphics
    多边形填充 多边形裁剪 自定义多边形区域 自定义裁剪区域(Polygon fill polygon clipping custom polygon area custom crop area)
    2012-11-14 23:04:40下载
  • 12.2
    (1)在工具栏中点击“打开”功能出现文件打开窗口,用户选择一幅bmp图片后在指定区域居中显示该图片,若图片尺寸小于指定区域则按原始大小显示;若大于则按合适比例显示。 (2)鼠标指针在图片上停留时显示为十字形,同时在控件下方固定位置显示鼠标所在的图像x坐标和y坐标(如:50,100),以图片左上为坐标原点。 (3)在工具栏中可以点击控件实现在图片上绘制一次直线、矩形或圆等图形,在绘图过程中要求图片和图形一直可见,不能出现刷新痕迹,绘制的图形可以任意修改形状。 (4)可以任意选择图形线条的类型(虚线或直线)、颜色(三种)及粗细(三种),要求选择方式可以叠加,绘制过程要求可任意连续执行。 (5)在工具栏中点击“保存”功能出现文件保存窗口,用户可以选择保存路径来保存当前图片操作结果(包括图片和图形)。 (6)点击“关闭”功能,关闭当前图片,若操作结果尚未保存则必须弹出对话框提示用户进行保存。 ((1) in the tool bar, click on Open function has the file open window, the user selects a bmp image to center the picture in the designated area, if the image size is smaller than the specified area press the original size if more than press the appropriate scale display. (2) is shown as a cross when the mouse pointer over the image, while displaying an image x and y coordinates of the mouse cursor in a fixed position below the control (eg: 50,100) to image the upper left of the coordinate origin. (3) in the toolbar you can click controls to achieve a draw straight lines, rectangles or circles and other graphics on the picture, the requirements of pictures and graphics in the drawing process has been seen, it can not appear refreshed traces drawn graphics can be modified shape. (4) can choose the type of graph line (dashed or straight), color (three kinds) and thickness (three kinds), asked to choose the way can be superimposed, can arbitrarily draw process requires continuous exe)
    2015-10-23 12:16:41下载
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    对两幅图像进行配准,分别提取两幅图像的surf特征点以及描述子,得到粗匹配结果,然后根据粗匹配结果,采用ransac方法计算基础矩阵,并去除误匹配点,得到较准确匹配结果(Two image registration, surf was extracted from the feature points in two images to get the coarse matching and descriptor, then according to the results, the coarse matching results, using RANSAC method to calculate the fundamental matrix, and eliminate the error matching, gain a more accurate matching results)
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